159: How To Profit & Connect With Your Copywriting With Sammy Musgrave

Goals With Soul

Oct 31 2023 • 41 mins

In today’s episode we are diving into one of the biggest frustrations that I see amongst coaches and creatives – how to create better copy that truly resonates with your ideal client.

Sammy Musgrave is a seasoned copywriter and marketing maven. She works with visionary female coaches - the kind who want to make a big difference and a tidy profit without feeling icky about it.

Her methodology is rooted in a "connection-first" philosophy. That means her clients quickly build trust, become go-to authorities, and see sales skyrocket - all without using the same old pushy tactics that everyone else is using.

When Sammy isn't playing in her creative zone, you can usually find her in one of three places: hanging out at the horse barn, spending time in nature with her husband and her dog Bear, or lost in one of the captivating worlds nestled within the pages of her favourite fantasy and sci-fi novels.

Copywriting sits beautifully alongside my favourite topic – messaging! And it all begins with who your ideal client is, so it’s vital you’re clear on your perfect avatar from the outset.

In this episode you will learn:

>> What connection-first messaging REALLY is

>> How to make promises that actually convert

>> How to infuse your copy with your personality

>> Where ChatGPT is at when it comes to copywriting and how to make it work for you

Sammy got tired of stiff, corporate marketing that lost the human element that’s critical to effective marketing.

Truly successful marketing centers on connection and resonance.

But how do we create that in our copy?

Sammy shares her connection-first methodology, which puts human connection at the forefront of copywriting. It’s a skeptical market out there, so now is the time to connect with people deeply and play that long game. The decision-making process is longer but still just as fruitful.

You just need to nurture your prospective clients. And keep showing up, shifting beliefs!

And don’t be afraid to be repetitive – it’s exhausting creating fresh content, and from a messaging perspective, chances are you’re not really honing in on what you do best if your keep churning out new content.

Our content also needs to respect the autonomy of our prospects, seeing them as powerful, capable decision makers that we trust. And who, in turn, learn to trust us and our expertise.

We also touch on ChatGPT – where does this fit in? Is it ready to replace content writing completely?

Spoiler: no!

It’s not quite there yet.

But it’s evolving by the day! Consider it at present as your own junior copywriter that can assist, but alone won’t quite get you the result you want. It needs support.

The real magic will always be in YOU being authentically YOU.

When you stop editing yourself, the gold comes to the surface. Be human, speaking to another human.

Enjoy the listen!


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You can message Sammy over on Instagram - @sammymusgravecopy or visit her website www.sammycopy.ca