#97 Resiliance, Love and The Power Of Now with Candice Frazier

The Chrysalis Conversations

Jun 20 2022 • 57 mins

In this episode I am joined by Candice Frazier as she shares her incredible story of resiliance against a lifetime of challenges and adversities and how now, through her work she is able to use all of these experiences as a massive force of good to help others.

Candices Bio: I’m Candice J. Frazier. Certified Master Transformation Health & Life Coach, former certified medical assistant, Air Force Veteran and best selling author. Having overcome the adversity of childhood abuse, trauma and 2 failed suicide attempts, it was with holistic and alternative health approach to overcome the health and mindset & executive function impairments. I am a Divine Alignment & Ascension Sage, meaning that I can see where people are stuck and help them write a new belief and move more quickly toward their goals. I can see the source of their despair, anger, resentment, compare, envy, greed, hate, lack, hopelessness and how it’s hijacking their happy.

To connect with Candice visit:

WEBSITE https://www.candicejfrazier.com
BOOK https://namasteawayandthrive.com
PODCAST https://anchor.fm/resetyourgroove

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