191 Top 5 Productivity Tips You Should be Doing Right Now with Your Podcast

Just One Tip from Your Podcast Performance Coach

Sep 5 2023 • 7 mins

Suddenly, your podcast has turned into a time-sucking monster. Let's tackle the common woe with my top 5 podcast productivity tips.

Finding efficiencies and production hacks comes up from time to time with our clients so it was no surprise when one of them (who recently ushered a tiny human into the world) as for some tips. Juggling everything with her business, parenthood, and podcasting was suddenly feeling like too much but there was no way she was giving up her best lead generator.

The solution? Amping up efficiency. Here's the good news — don't need to be sleep-deprived from baby duties to benefit from a sleeker production process.

Here are my top 5 tips for improving podcast productivity:

1. Plan More and Better

Our first stop on the journey to podcasting efficiency: planning ahead like a seasoned pro. I've got a gem for you – a 90-day content calendar. Imagine having a roadmap for your podcasting escapade, knowing precisely what lies ahead and when. This isn't just about rescuing time from the clutches of chaos; it's about tapping into a wellspring of creative energy. When you're not grappling with last-minute decisions, your creative juices flow effortlessly, like a river surging after a spring rain.

2. Embrace The AI Revolution

Ah, AI – the contemporary magician of efficiency. Embrace AI as your trusty sidekick. This technological marvel isn't just for whipping up recipes with your pantry staples (though it's surprisingly good at that). AI can propel your podcasting game to unparalleled heights. Use AI to brainstorm topic ideas, craft script outlines, suggest interview questions, and even handle post-production tasks like show notes, transcripts, and social media content. Can you tell if this was AI-generated? For a deep dive into this AI wonderland, don't miss episodes 175, 176, and the AI-hosted episode in between.

3. Unleash Your Inner Producer

It's time to channel the producer's mindset. It all starts with pre-interview preparation. The time invested here translates into time saved during the interview and editing. During interviews, start a clock when you hit record then, armed with a trusty pen and paper, jot down notes – what to keep, feature, chop — this will streamline your editing process. Even for solo shows, this rule still holds – production notes are your best way to track pickups, best takes, and even promotional snippets. Doing this will save you a mountain of time during editing and promotion.

4. Have Systems, Dammit.

Life is simply more beautiful with systems in place. I could do a whole episode on this topic alone. (Interested? Let me know!) But for now, here's a sneak peek. The crown jewel of systems is your file management. Every file has to have a home. Create a folder system that houses each show, its assets, and all recorded elements, each episode basking in its well-organized haven. And don't underestimate time blocking; it's not just for the corporate realm. Block out your schedule, set deadlines for pivotal production components, and establish a hub for seamless team communication. And don't forget templates! Whether it's your production blueprint, episode outlines, show notes, or even email and social media templates – they're the secret to saving time and maintaining consistency.

5. Master the Art of Batch Recording

Imagine if you could get the savings of a Costco spree, and apply it to your podcast production time. That's the power of bulk, baby. In the podcast world, it's called batch recording. When you're not operating from a permanent studio, this technique is pure gold. Record multiple interviews or solo shows in a single session. Here's a pro tip: sync this strategy with batching other production elements like script outlines, research, or email outreach. Your vocal stamina might be the only limit, but you'll soon find your groove.

That One Shortcut That's a No-Go

Now, let's talk about a contentious shortcut: AI-driven editing. I'm not on board with this one. AI-edited content often feels robotic, with every breath and natural pause scrubbed away. Real people breathe, they hesitate, they say 'um' and 'ah.' If you're considering AI for the heavy lifting, that's fine – as long as you or your editor fine-tune the results. After investing so much time and effort into your show, the last thing you want is for your listeners to question your authenticity.

Whether it's a newborn or just life in general that's sucking up your time - efficiency is your trusty ally. Apply these tips: craft your plan, welcome AI, embrace your inner producer, build solid systems, and wield the art of batch recording. And don't forget – maintain your authenticity by keeping those edits human. Hungry for more? Eager to unlock my treasure trove of templates and time-saving systems? You're in luck! We cover all of this in both of our coaching programs – the Concept to Casting Podcast Launch Program and the Podcast Tune-Up. Intrigued?

Snag your free 15-minute coaching session with me. Access my calendar here: https://calendly.com/timwohlberg
