Make Money Living Your Purpose

Karen Powell

Prosperity Coach Karen Powell helps heart-centered leaders, innovators and creatives heal their blocks around money and abundance, find their purpose, and create the impact they want to make in the world.

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26. Predictable Prosperity
6d ago
26. Predictable Prosperity
Over the 20+ years I’ve been running my creativity and prosperity programs and coaching my clients, the same thing always starts happening a few weeks into the process: some people start reporting an increased flow of abundance in the form of money and energy. Money starts showing up from unexpected sources and in unexpected ways.  It’s always exciting for me to witness this, but it never surprises me anymore. Why? Because it’s predictable.  I believe there’s one universal law in particular that creates predictable prosperity in your life. And when you master that one law, you are able to open up to prosperity in all its forms. What’s that one law? The Law of Flow. On today’s episode we’re learning how to employ the Law of Flow in your life so you can: ·       release everything that is blocking the flow of abundance to you ·       become a conduit for the natural flow of abundance and prosperity into your life By now you know I’m all about simplicity, so I’m showing you two practical approaches you can take to open up to more ease and flow in your life: one focuses on the physical/external and the other focuses on the emotional/internal. Both are super practical and incredibly powerful ways to help you become predictably prosperous. Have a listen and find out how to start opening up to prosperity immediately! I love that we’re connected through this podcast! Take a selfie of you listening to the podcast and tag me on Instagram @karenc.powell and I’ll give you a shoutout on my IG Stories. THANK YOU to everyone who has left such beautiful ratings and reviews! If you haven’t left a rating and review of the show yet, please do one here. I so appreciate you! Ready to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS
25. Heal Your Limiting Beliefs For Good
May 21 2024
25. Heal Your Limiting Beliefs For Good
If you’ve ever felt confused and frustrated when old patterns you’ve already dealt with keep coming back, this episode is for you. If you’re in the process of upleveling your life, you are no doubt being confronted with old blocks and limiting beliefs you could have sworn you’ve already dealt with. The thing is, you may have dealt with them, but you have not actually healed them.We’re doing a deep dive into emotional healing today, and when you learn the difference between surface-level healing and healing your blocks and limiting beliefs from the root cause, your life is going to change – for good. Much like the physical body’s natural immune system that is always working to bring your physical body back into balance, we are all also equipped with a natural emotional healing system. And when you learn how to support that healing process, you will experience permanent emotional healing.Jump into today’s episode to find out:·         How to easily identify your blocks and limiting beliefs so you can start to heal them·         How to connect with and support the natural emotional healing process·         Why numbing your emotions is the key thing keeping you stuck·         What to do with an old block you’ve already dealt with·         The one key action that will give you instant access to your deepest healing·         How to know for sure when your big dream is ready to be brought to lifeAre you enjoying the show? Please leave a rating and review and let me know how you feel!Resources:Impact Acceleration Coaching ProgramReady to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS
24. Manifesting Without Money
May 14 2024
24. Manifesting Without Money
No money? No problem. Don’t let the fact that you don’t have the money reserves to buy your dream house or to transition over to a more fulfilling career stop you from going for it.Today’s big truth bomb is: It’s not a lack of money that’s stopping you from getting what you want. Say what now?That’s right. Before you go tossing your big expensive dream in the bin because you “can’t afford it”, you’re going to want to listen to today’s episode. “I can’t afford it” or “I don’t have the money” are not the reasons you cannot have something. It’s time to turn this dead-end loop around and manifest whatever you want, even if you don’t have the money for it right now. You’re going to learn:·       How protecting yourself from disappointment is costing you more than you can imagine·       How two true-story “100% unaffordable” dreams manifested quickly, easily and crazy-affordably·       Why you shouldn’t wait until you get the money in order to start manifesting what you want·       The specific action to take that moves money out of the equation·       Why you should never give up on yourselfI love hearing your manifestation stories! Tag me on Instagram @karenc.powell and share them with me. Resources: Impact Acceleration Coaching Program  Ready to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS
22. The Remarkable Power Of Simplicity
Apr 30 2024
22. The Remarkable Power Of Simplicity
When it comes to getting big results or experiencing a significant transformation in your life, you might think the process needs to be complicated and involved—with all kinds of bells, whistles and features.In actual fact, the simpler the process, the more profound the results can be.In today’s episode I’m making the case for simplicity as your best bet for helping you stay focused, committed, and engaged in your own transformation. While complicated processes might look fancy and impressive at first glance, they typically end up making you feel overwhelmed, confused and ready to give up on yourself.In today’s episode you’ll learn:·         How the brain’s main job of keeping you “safe” is actually keeping you stuck·         That the more complicated something gets, the greater the risk of self-sabotage·         Which simple tools I use to manifest anything and everything·         The only Universal Law you need to master for creating more money in your life Whether you are looking for an effective manifesting practice, a powerful healing process, or an accurate roadmap to creating the lifestyle of your dreams, it’s simplicity that’s going to move the dial forward for you every time. Did you find this episode valuable? Please share it on social and tag me @karenc.powell Love the show? Leave a 5-star review and let me know what resonated most with you.Resources: (free download) The Ultimate Manifesting Method Ready to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS
20. Healing Victim Mentality & Pursuing Joy with Marie-Jeanne Ndimbira-Rosner
Apr 16 2024
20. Healing Victim Mentality & Pursuing Joy with Marie-Jeanne Ndimbira-Rosner
Today I’m interviewing Money On Purpose member Marie-Jeanne Ndimbira-Rosner. Marie-Jeanne has a TED X talk called It Matters Where You Plant The Seed. She has been featured on CNN’s African Voices Changemakers, and is the co-founder of the Physically Active Youth (PAY) program in Namibia, which has been featured on Michelle Obama’s Instagram page. Marie-Jeanne is currently a PhD candidate at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey. She is a Namibian living in America with her loving, supportive husband and their two children. In this very honest and enlightening conversation, Marie-Jeanne shares how, even though she has always been capable of doing extraordinary things, internally she struggled to feel a healthy sense of self-worth. She had always felt disconnected from her physical body, suffered from debilitating anxiety, and identified with a victim mentality.  Listen as Marie-Jeanne shares her transformation through the Money On Purpose journey and how showing up and just taking the daily actions laid out in the program allowed her to hear her inner voice for the first time. She eventually experienced a deep integration of her body and self, was able to shed the armor of victim mentality and now finds herself intentionally pursuing joy – something she never allowed herself to do before.  Marie-Jeanne shares how gaining a new self-awareness and no longer needing external validation to feel self-worth are among her biggest breakthroughs. I have no doubt you will feel inspired, enlightened, and more courageous as you listen to this amazing Force For Good tell her story.  Love the show? Leave a 5-star review and let me know what resonated most with you.Resources:The Money On Purpose Journey Ready to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS
19. Connecting To Your Vision, Purpose & Impact with Linda Scott
Apr 9 2024
19. Connecting To Your Vision, Purpose & Impact with Linda Scott
Do I have a treat for you this week! Today my guest is Linda Scott, Namibian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom and to Malta, and Ambassador to Ireland and Greece and the Sovereign Order of Malta. In 2022 Linda received Diplomat Magazine’s Diplomat of the Year Award for Africa. She is an advanced-certified life coach, has lived in 11 countries and is mother to two young men. Linda is also a member of my Money On Purpose community, and it gives me so much joy to know that my program has influenced Linda in the way it has. Today Linda shares how choosing to do the Money On Purpose program motivated her to follow her vision for herself, and gave her the tools she needed then, and still uses today, as her vision and purpose keep evolving. In today’s wide-ranging episode we discuss:·       How our power is in the present moment, and by asking the ′what if′ questions and choosing to just start, all sorts of magic is set into motion.·       Money doesn’t have to be your first focus. In fact, healing your money blocks and looking at money with a different mindset frees you to focus on your vision, on your purpose, and on the impact that you want to make in the world. And then everything else follows.·       How very normal it is to feel insecure about your gifts and articulating your vision, but by being brave and taking the first step, the answers will reveal themselves.·       Evolving from your current reality to the truth of your vision is a process, one that might unfold in ways you would not expect. I′m so thrilled to share this episode with you as I deeply admire the work Linda does in representing Namibia internationally. She is such a force for good in the world and an example of how asking those ′what if′ questions and surrendering to the process has made it possible for her to have the tremendous impact she always wanted to have on the world. Did you enjoy this episode? Share it on social and tag me @karenc.powellLove the show? Click this link and leave a 5-star review and let me know what resonated most with you.Resources:Money On Purpose programEpisode 14: ESSENCE: The Key To Getting What You Really WantReady to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS
18. From Stressed & Disconnected To Peaceful & Free with Marisa van Staden
Apr 2 2024
18. From Stressed & Disconnected To Peaceful & Free with Marisa van Staden
In this week’s episode I have the pleasure of talking to one of my Money On Purpose alumni, Marisa van Staden. Marisa is an entrepreneur, a wife, and a mother of two who felt that the day-to-day grind of being all things to everyone had worn her down. Even though she had everything “on paper”, she wasn’t enjoying her life. It took deciding to prioritise her own wellbeing and taking a chance on doing the Money On Purpose program to turn things around for her, and so today we discuss: ·       How she changed her belief system that had her always putting herself last·       How honesty with yourself is the game-changer in getting what you truly want ·       The one practice that is producing better quality of her creative work·       How she’s now getting drastically more done in less time  ·       What has made her a better mom and enjoy motherhood to the fullest·       The priceless result of a healthy, happy family life being her new normal·       How she manifested a holiday beach house that felt out of reach So many of us will recognise ourselves in Marisa, which is why I′m so excited for you to hear her story. I′m inspired by her courage, her honesty, and in awe of what she has manifested for not only herself, but her whole family. Please join us in this most inspiring conversation. Did you find this episode valuable? Share it on social and tag me @karenc.powell and Marisa @chillipinkcreativeLove the show? Leave a 5-star review and let me know what resonated most with you.Resources:Money On Purpose Marisa’s website: Ready to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS
15. When Should You Hire A Coach?
Mar 12 2024
15. When Should You Hire A Coach?
What do top athletes, high-level corporate executives and leaders, and people who are serious about their personal growth, have in common?They hire a coach.Today I′m exploring a topic that some of us find quite difficult, namely when do you ask for help? High achievers are so good at getting things done, but what happens if you get stuck and can′t move forward because your blocks keep getting in the way?I want to reassure you that you don’t have to struggle alone, and that it’s okay to ask for help and get the support you need. Sometimes being cared for, prompted, and held accountable is just what it takes to unlock our creativity, unleash our fire, and help us get things done.In today’s episode I share three scenarios when it would be a great time to consider one-on-one coaching. (I think you just might be delighted by the third one!) And then I share two scenarios where it might not actually be the best time to hire a private coach. I also talk about situations where a group/peer setting might be more conducive to unlocking the magic for you, rather than getting one-to-one support. I offer my thoughts on this and hopefully it helps you to sift through what kinds of support would work best for you, as you navigate your journey to your most amazing lifestyle. Finding the support I need has always been a gamechanger for me. I love hiring  coaches to help me get specific projects done. In fact, you wouldn’t be listening to this podcast if it wasn’t for the invaluable help that my coach gave me. So join me and let′s explore when, why, and what kind of coaching could work best for you.Resources mentioned:Breakthrough SessionImpact Acceleration Coaching ProgramReady to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS
14. ESSENCE: The Key To Getting What You Really Want
Mar 5 2024
14. ESSENCE: The Key To Getting What You Really Want
Today I think I might surprise you. In fact, I think you′re going to surprise yourself because I'm going to show you how manifesting is less about things, and infinitely more about feelings. Today’s episode is about discovering the ESSENCE of what you desire –the purest form of your dreams. It might be easy to make a list of the things you want. But did you know there’s a surprising truth nestled inside those goals, wishes and dreams? They actually represent deeper, more essential desires that you might need to work a little harder and go a little deeper to uncover and understand. You might want to manifest a new car, but what else does a new car represent besides a shiny new means of getting from A to B? What if a new car represents feelings of independence, confidence and achievement?I call these feelings your essence words, and today I′m going to teach you how to use my Essence tool so that you can really get to the heart of what you want to manifest. Because when you delve deeper into the Why of your dreams and desires, you stop wasting time and you start opening yourself up to more amazing manifestations than you ever thought were possible. Let′s dive in — I′m so excited for what you’re about to discover!Resources mentioned:Live Money On Purpose Journey WaitlistLove the show? Leave a 5-star review and let me know what resonated most with you.Ready to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS
13. Permission To Dream Bigger
Feb 27 2024
13. Permission To Dream Bigger
In today′s episode I am going to turn a seemingly universal assumption on its head and challenge you to think big — really BIG! When it comes to going for our dreams, we tend to play it down by keeping our goals practical, safe and “appropriate”. We water down our dreams because it feels safer to stay in our lane and not desire anything outlandishly extravagant.But who says we have to be modest with our dreams? Who determines that the Universe′s generosity only stretches to *here*, and no further? The truth is that we are the ones who impose these limitations on what we desire, either because we don’t believe that such abundance is available to us, or we're uncomfortable with the scale of what is possible.But it is available, and there is no limit to what you can manifest. You just need to be honest about what you want, and you need to articulate it beyond just pure thought.Today I′m going to show you how to stop watering down your dreams and to start giving yourself permission to dream bigger than you’ve ever done before. You may find this simple process a little intimidating and uncomfortable at first, but trust me — moving beyond your comfort zone is so, so worth it. Resources mentioned: Free training: The Ultimate Manifesting Method Did you find this episode valuable? Share it on social and tag me @karenc.powellLove the show? Leave a 5-star review and let me know what resonated most with you.Ready to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS
11. Manifest Your Soulmate By Healing Your Money Blocks with Nelao Nengola
Feb 14 2024
11. Manifest Your Soulmate By Healing Your Money Blocks with Nelao Nengola
Hold on tight — today′s episode is going to give you ALL the feels.I’m chatting with Nelao Nengola, a Money On Purpose program alum and fitness turned self-love coach who, despite having given up on finding the kind of love that she longed for, ended up manifesting it anyway. MAJOR goosebump alert!Nelao came to the Money On Purpose program to work on her money blocks and focus on growing her coaching career. She had decided that, if love wasn’t happening for her, then it was time to shift gears and work through her financial blocks instead so that she could create the life she wanted for herself.One of the surprising side-effects that not only Nelao experienced from healing her money blocks, but more and more members of the program are too, is manifesting the love of their dreams. In this episode, I explain why and how this can happen.The ripple effects of Nelao′s healing have been tremendous; she now helps black women fall in love with themselves, embrace the beauty of their natural hair, and create the life of their dreams too. Enjoy my conversation with this most amazing Force For Good, Nelao Nengola!Connect with Nelao on Instagram @nelaonengola Nelao’s website: www.nelaonengola.comResources mentioned:Money On Purpose programReady to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS