15. When Should You Hire A Coach?

Make Money Living Your Purpose

Mar 12 2024 • 24 mins

What do top athletes, high-level corporate executives and leaders, and people who are serious about their personal growth, have in common?

They hire a coach.

Today I′m exploring a topic that some of us find quite difficult, namely when do you ask for help? High achievers are so good at getting things done, but what happens if you get stuck and can′t move forward because your blocks keep getting in the way?

I want to reassure you that you don’t have to struggle alone, and that it’s okay to ask for help and get the support you need. Sometimes being cared for, prompted, and held accountable is just what it takes to unlock our creativity, unleash our fire, and help us get things done.

In today’s episode I share three scenarios when it would be a great time to consider one-on-one coaching. (I think you just might be delighted by the third one!) And then I share two scenarios where it might not actually be the best time to hire a private coach.

I also talk about situations where a group/peer setting might be more conducive to unlocking the magic for you, rather than getting one-to-one support. I offer my thoughts on this and hopefully it helps you to sift through what kinds of support would work best for you, as you navigate your journey to your most amazing lifestyle.

Finding the support I need has always been a gamechanger for me. I love hiring  coaches to help me get specific projects done. In fact, you wouldn’t be listening to this podcast if it wasn’t for the invaluable help that my coach gave me. So join me and let′s explore when, why, and what kind of coaching could work best for you.

Resources mentioned:

Breakthrough Session

Impact Acceleration Coaching Program

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