14. ESSENCE: The Key To Getting What You Really Want

Make Money Living Your Purpose

Mar 5 2024 • 17 mins

Today I think I might surprise you. In fact, I think you′re going to surprise yourself because I'm going to show you how manifesting is less about things, and infinitely more about feelings. Today’s episode is about discovering the ESSENCE of what you desire –the purest form of your dreams.

It might be easy to make a list of the things you want. But did you know there’s a surprising truth nestled inside those goals, wishes and dreams? They actually represent deeper, more essential desires that you might need to work a little harder and go a little deeper to uncover and understand. You might want to manifest a new car, but what else does a new car represent besides a shiny new means of getting from A to B? What if a new car represents feelings of independence, confidence and achievement?

I call these feelings your essence words, and today I′m going to teach you how to use my Essence tool so that you can really get to the heart of what you want to manifest. Because when you delve deeper into the Why of your dreams and desires, you stop wasting time and you start opening yourself up to more amazing manifestations than you ever thought were possible.

Let′s dive in — I′m so excited for what you’re about to discover!

Resources mentioned:

Live Money On Purpose Journey Waitlist

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