11. Manifest Your Soulmate By Healing Your Money Blocks with Nelao Nengola

Make Money Living Your Purpose

Feb 14 2024 • 1 hr 6 mins

Hold on tight — today′s episode is going to give you ALL the feels.

I’m chatting with Nelao Nengola, a Money On Purpose program alum and fitness turned self-love coach who, despite having given up on finding the kind of love that she longed for, ended up manifesting it anyway. MAJOR goosebump alert!

Nelao came to the Money On Purpose program to work on her money blocks and focus on growing her coaching career. She had decided that, if love wasn’t happening for her, then it was time to shift gears and work through her financial blocks instead so that she could create the life she wanted for herself.

One of the surprising side-effects that not only Nelao experienced from healing her money blocks, but more and more members of the program are too, is manifesting the love of their dreams. In this episode, I explain why and how this can happen.

The ripple effects of Nelao′s healing have been tremendous; she now helps black women fall in love with themselves, embrace the beauty of their natural hair, and create the life of their dreams too. Enjoy my conversation with this most amazing Force For Good, Nelao Nengola!

Connect with Nelao on Instagram @nelaonengola
Nelao’s website: www.nelaonengola.com

Resources mentioned:
Money On Purpose program

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