#quickie - Magnetic Messaging Frameworks to Attract the RIGHT Clients

Communication Queen | entrepreneurship, marketing, storytelling, public speaking, and podcasting

Mar 19 2024 • 11 mins

Has your business ever attracted a "meh" client? Or worse, a complainy, codependent client? Odds are, it wasn't your product or services. It was your messaging that brought the WRONG person into your domain. Good news! You can flip that script with the RIGHT frameworks and start magnetizing the right clients into your realm with these magnetic messaging frameworks.

In this episode, you'll learn 3 specific frameworks to position your messaging on podcast interviews to be a MAGNET for your ideal clients...and a repellent for the boundary-squishing vampire customers every business owner seeks to avoid.

⚠️The Drama Triangle: Victim, Villain, and Hero

You'll discover the disempowering "drama triangle" a psychological paradigm of belief, that, when your messaging is framed within this paradigm you are bound to attract the WRONG clients from podcast interviews. However, I'll also show you how to flip it on it's head, so that you attract only empowered clients, who have agency, personal responsibility, and self-determination.

🤩 Aspirational Leadership: The Key to Empowering Marketing

You'll learn how the solution lies in shifting your messaging. Instead of a blamey or victim-oriented narrative, I show you how to advocate for aspirational leadership. This means seeing your clients in their highest and best potential - and speaking to that!

🦄 From Savior Complex to Empowerment

And, in this podcast episode, I share from personal experience - THIS is how I know what messaging works. And what really doesn't. I'll show you where to place your ideal client within the "frame" of your story, so that you take yourself off of the pedestal and foster a healthy, growth-oriented relationship with your clients.

What You'll Learn in this Episode:

  • Impact of marketing messaging on client attraction
  • Negative or codependent clients attracted by blamey or victim-oriented messaging
  • Importance of tonality and presuppositions in marketing language
  • Disapproval of calling out others in the industry and positioning oneself as superior
  • Concept of the drama triangle in marketing messaging
  • Shift from blamey or victim-oriented approach to aspirational leadership
  • Reframing marketing messaging to attract clients committed to positive change
  • Practical advice for evaluating and refining marketing messaging
  • Importance of storytelling and communication strategies in attracting the right clients
  • Empowering clients to take ownership of their journey

Links + Mentions:

Moments of Note:

Attracting Negative Clients (00:00:00)
Kimberly discusses how marketing messaging can attract negative or codependent clients and the impact of blamey or victim-oriented messaging.

The Impact of Bitchy Messaging (00:01:22)
Kimberly explains how using blamey language and positioning oneself as the hero in marketing messaging can attract certain types of clients and perpetuate the drama triangle.

Elevating Marketing Messaging (00:02:26)
Kimberly delves into the concept of the drama triangle and how reversing it can transform marketing messaging to empower and coach clients rather than perpetuating victim or savior complex dynamics.

Aspirational Leadership in Messaging (00:07:19)
Kimberly emphasizes the importance of approaching messaging from a place of aspirational leadership and empowering clients to achieve their dreams through coaching rather than blame or savior complex dynamics.

Reviewing Marketing Messaging (00:10:48)
Kimberly offers support and encourages listeners to review their marketing messaging to attract the right clients and communicate their message effectively.