Art of Storytelling Example: Crafting Emotional Beats with Sara Davies

Communication Queen | entrepreneurship, marketing, storytelling, public speaking, and podcasting

Mar 26 2024 • 48 mins

Experience the art of storytelling in business. In this episode of the Communication Queen Podcast, NLP Communications Coach, Kimberly Spencer coaches Sarah Davis on sharing her transformative story. Sarah, founder of Sarah's Stepping Stones, recounts her journey through chronic illness and personal upheaval after her husband left her post-diagnosis with a newborn baby. Spencer guides Sarah to convey her story with more emotional depth, advising her to slow down and let the impactful moments of her narrative resonate with the audience.

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About Sara Davies

As a certified LifeMastery Consultant with the Brave Thinking Institute: The Premiere Training Center for Transformational Coaching, Sara can help you create a life that you love living. Sara specializes in helping people who feel trapped or stuck build their dreams, accelerate their results and create richer, more fulfilling lives. For over 10 years. Sara has been studying and implementing transformational success principles, and as a sought-after speaker, trainer, and certified coach, Sara's workshops and coaching programs help people breakthrough limitations and achieve greater results than they’ve known before. If you’re looking to gain clarity, confidence, and achieve your next level of success, while enjoying the highest levels of fulfillment in life Sara's coaching programs can help you get there. Email to learn more about how you can achieve your dreams and create a life you truly love living

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What You'll Learn in this Episode:

  • The importance of storytelling in creating emotional impact
  • Sara's personal journey of resilience and strength through chronic illness and personal challenges
  • The power of slowing down and savoring moments in storytelling
  • The impact of trauma and healing on storytelling
  • Sara's work in supporting women with chronic illness to build confidence and a support system
  • The transformative power of Sarah's coaching and support
  • Sara's commitment to helping others through their own journeys of healing and self-discovery
  • The potential impact of Sara's story in inspiring and supporting others
  • The ripple effect of Sara's coaching and support in the lives of her clients
  • The dedication and passion of Sara in making a positive impact through her story and work

Links & Mentions:

Moments of Note:

The importance of storytelling (00:00:00)
Explains the significance of storytelling in movies and how it emotionally impacts the audience.

Introduction to Sarah's work (00:02:08)
Kimberly introduces Sarah and her work with women living with chronic illness.

Sarah's personal journey (00:02:43)
Sarah shares her personal experience of being diagnosed with a chronic illness and the challenges she faced.

Coaching on storytelling (00:03:23)
Kimberly provides coaching on the emotional impact and delivery of Sarah's story.

The power of emotional storytelling (00:07:57)
Sarah revisits her story, focusing on the emotional impact and the importance of sharing raw experiences.

The transformation journey (00:10:48)
Sarah discusses her journey of healing and finding inner strength after her diagnosis.

Challenges in sharing personal experiences (00:14:09)
Sarah explains the challenges of sharing personal experiences and the tendency to gloss over difficult moments.

Support system for chronic illness (00:18:30)
Sarah describes the emotional support and community she offers to women struggling with chronic illness.

Grieving and forgiveness (00:22:41)
Sarah discusses the process of grieving and forgiveness as essential steps in the healing journey.

The bond between mother and son (00:25:20)
Sarah shares the story of her premature son's fight for life and the deep bond between them.

Resilience and support in tough times (00:27:31)
Sarah's belief in the bond with her son and the support system during difficult times.

The power of storytelling and emotion (00:28:58)
Kimberly discusses the impact of emotional storytelling and the memory retention it creates.

Lessons from trauma and paying it forward (00:32:12)
Sarah's lessons from trauma and her commitment to helping others in similar situations.

Metaphors and client testimonials (00:34:18)
Kimberly explains the power of metaphors and client testimonials in coaching.

Forgiveness and healing journey (00:35:05)
Sarah shares a client's journey of forgiveness and healing from a chronic illness diagnosis.

Letting go of anger and finding confidence (00:38:26)
Sarah discusses the importance of letting go of anger and building confidence after grief and forgiveness.

Empowering transformation through coaching (00:42:44)
Sarah narrates a client's journey of physical and inner confidence transformation through coaching.

Impact of sharing personal stories (00:46:10)
Sarah reflects on the power of slowing down and sharing her story to help others.

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About the Communication Queen Podcast:

Ranked No.55 in the United States by Apple Podcasts for Marketing, within just one week of launching, and over 33,000 downloads in the first 5 months, the Communication Queen Podcast with Kimberly Spencer is on the fasttrack to becoming an industry GAMECHANGER, in supporting listeners to tell better stories, enhance their communication skills, and learn how to leverage getting booked on podcasts to grow their business.

From interviews with Top 100 Podcasters, to providing real-life storytelling coaching, and communication #quickies of bite-sized communication tips that you can start leveraging right away, to increase your authority and influence in your niche, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone looking to level up their storytelling skills to serve + sell more in their business. To listen to any of our past episodes for free, check out this page:

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