#quickie - Public Speaking Mistakes...and How to Fix Them!

Communication Queen | entrepreneurship, marketing, storytelling, public speaking, and podcasting

Feb 27 2024 • 14 mins

Problems in public speaking? Maybe you flubbed a word or made a mistake on a podcast interview? In this episode of the Communication Queen Podcast, Kimberly Spencer shares the common public speaking problems and solutions from a podcasting perspective, and how to quickly and gracefully recover from them. https://www.communicationqueens.com/podcast

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What You'll Learn on this Episode:

  • The Art of Mistake Recovery: Mistakes are an inevitable part of life, and they certainly don't exclude the recording studio or the stage. Whether you're a seasoned speaker or just starting out, slip-ups can happen. But here's the thing – it's not the mistake itself that defines your performance; it's how you recover from it.

  • Building Trust Through Imperfection: During a recent episode of my podcast, Kimberly dives into the concept that embracing our mistakes can actually help us build trust and rapport with our audience. It may seem counterintuitive, but showing your human side makes you more relatable and trustworthy. When you acknowledge and move past an error with poise, your audience is more likely to empathize with you and stay engaged.

  • A Five-Step Process for Graceful Recovery: You'll learn Kimberly's masterful process to pick yourself back up from a flub or speaking foible.

  • The Power of Vulnerability: In the episode, Kimberly also opens up as a self-proclaimed "recovering control freak" who on her own journey of learning to let go and embrace the unpredictable nature of live communication. It's a powerful reminder that vulnerability can be a strength, not a weakness.

Links + Mentions:

Moments of Note:

The importance of mistakes (00:01:20)
Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway paradigm, and the impact of perfection on trust and rapport.

The five-step process to recover from mistakes (00:04:11)
Breathing, reframing, addressing the mistake, diffusing its power, and using it as a teaching tool.

Example of leveraging a mistake (00:09:17)
Using an unexpected participant response as a teaching moment and demonstrating the principles being discussed.

The power of communication mastery (00:12:19)
Embracing mistakes and using improvisation to connect with others and transform lives.

Closing remarks (00:13:37)
Encouragement to share the episode and the potential impact of the shared communication strategies.