How to Look Good on Zoom for Video Podcast Interviews with Shelley Golden

Communication Queen | entrepreneurship, marketing, storytelling, public speaking, and podcasting

Jan 16 2024 • 53 mins

How do you look good on zoom for a video podcast interview? What zoom backdrop works best? What type of lighting do you need? What should you wear for a video podcast interview to make you stand out? This is why we brought in Zoom Makeover Queen, Shelley Golden to support podcasters and podcast guests in making their zoom box reflect their brand, expertise, and skill.

Host Kimberly Spencer interviews Shelly Golden, a professional stylist and CEO of Shelly Golden Style. Shelly shares her expertise on enhancing confidence and credibility through appearance on Zoom. She introduces a five-step process for Zoom makeovers, covering camera angles, lighting, sound, background, and clothing.

Shelly emphasizes the importance of a professional background, proper lighting, and strategic clothing choices to create a polished virtual presence for your podcast interviews. The discussion also touches on the storytelling aspect of one's Zoom environment and the subliminal messages it conveys, highlighting Shelly's comprehensive approach to visual communication in virtual settings.

About Shelley Golden:

Shelley Golden has been an executive image consultant and fashion stylist for 20+ in Chicago, Amsterdam and San Francisco. Based in San Francisco and Silicon Valley, she has a keen eye to help her clients improve their confidence and credibility and create an image that sets them apart, both online and off.

As a result of COVID 19, and that companies continue to have their employees work from home, Shelley created The Zoom Make-Over. This 5-step process to helps companies and individuals elevate your online screen presence for companies, sales teams, depositions and individuals. This new and innovative process helps create a more professional image to increase your credibility, improves your engagement and up-levels your personal brand.

Shelley is a Certified Color Consultant from The Image and Color Institute International and a Color Specialist Member of CDI (Color Designers International) and was one of the first stylists to organize and present “Dress For Success” seminars and presentations to corporations and educational institutions.

Connect with Shelley for your Zoom Makeover:

What You'll Learn in This Episode:

  • Importance of creating a professional and engaging background for Zoom calls
  • Shelly's five-step process for improving appearance on Zoom
  • Common mistakes people make on Zoom and practical tips for improvement
  • Significance of body language and conveying a specific message through the Zoom box
  • Importance of lighting and its impact on appearance on Zoom
  • Shelly's expertise in color palettes, clothing choices, and visual balance
  • Significance of subliminal messages and storytelling in one's Zoom presence
  • Shelly's comprehensive approach to enhancing one's presence on Zoom
  • Practical tips and strategic insights for creating a standout presence on Zoom
  • Emphasis on visual storytelling, branding, and nonverbal communication

Links + Mentions:

Moments of Note:

The background transformation (00:00:00)
Discussion about transforming the external environment to match internal changes, and the importance of congruence and credibility in appearance.

The importance of visuals in the podcast (00:01:18)
Encouragement to watch the podcast on YouTube for visual references and a deeper understanding of the topic.

Shelly Golden's journey into Zoom makeovers (00:04:44)
Shelly's unplanned entry into Zoom makeovers and the creation of a five-step process for enhancing appearance in Zoom meetings.

The significance of lighting in Zoom appearances (00:06:29)
The importance of lighting for visibility, engagement, and building trust, and the analogy of creating a center of focus in the Zoom box.

Camera positioning and eye contact (00:08:46)
Tips on adjusting camera positioning to maintain eye contact and create a sense of connection with the audience.

Creating a visual focal point (00:12:20)
The use of contrasting glasses frames or defined eyebrows to guide focus to the eyes, and the impact of these details on audience engagement.

Common mistakes in Zoom appearances (00:14:46)
The importance of positioning the head and upper chest in the Zoom box to allow for the reading of body language and reduce cognitive strain.

Reducing distractions in the Zoom box (00:20:53)
Identifying distractions such as reflections, additional faces, and shiny jewelry, and techniques for managing them, including diffusing light and adjusting backgrounds.

Lighting and Background (00:24:22)
Discussion on the importance of lighting and background contrast for standing out in a Zoom setting.

Attention to Detail (00:25:14)
Exploring the speaker's attention to detail in her work and its impact on creating a standout appearance.

Influences and Expertise (00:27:11)
The speaker's background in fashion, color palettes, and European art influencing her expertise in Zoom makeovers.

Creating Visual Balance (00:29:03)
Explaining the use of subliminal lines and visual balance in creating custom branded virtual backgrounds for Zoom.

Directing Viewer's Attention (00:29:59)
Discussion on guiding viewers' attention within a Zoom setting and the significance of eye movement.

Clothing Tips for Zoom (00:35:56)
Guidance on clothing choices for Zoom, including color selection and the impact of clothing on camera perception.

Enhancing Zoom Image (00:40:22)
Discussion on the impact of clothing and visual elements in creating a balanced and professional Zoom image.

Subliminal Messages in Zoom Box (00:46:16)
Exploring the importance of subliminal messages and set dressing in creating a compelling Zoom presence.

Brand Yourself on Zoom (00:47:50)
The significance of branding and authenticity in creating a memorable and impactful presence on Zoom.

Zoom Makeup Techniques (00:49:33)
Discussion on creating a three-dimensional look for Zoom with specific makeup techniques.

Using What You Have (00:50:16)
Using existing resources for an effective Zoom setup without expensive transformations.

Simple Camera Tips (00:51:36)
Advice on using a cloth to clean the camera lens for a better appearance on Zoom.

Morning Routine (00:53:31)
Shelly's morning routine, including tea-making, yoga stretches, and news-watching.

Nighttime Routine (00:55:01)
Showering at night to prepare for the next day and mentally prepping for professional engagements.

Self-Definition (00:56:59)
Shelly's international background and her broad perspective on her kingdom or queendom.

Self-Crowning (00:58:09)
Shelly's self-identification as the queen of camouflage and textile queen in her image consulting work.

Working with Shelly (01:00:31)
Information on how to contact Shelly Golden Style for Zoom makeovers and image consulting services.

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