#quickie - Should I Start Getting Booked on Podcast Interviews Now?

Communication Queen | entrepreneurship, marketing, storytelling, public speaking, and podcasting

Mar 5 2024 • 15 mins

Is it the right time in your business' lifecycle to start getting booked on podcasts? For some businesses, it's actually not. For others, it can be a very lucrative, opportunity-fueled business strategy that can catapult your visibility and profitability to a new level.

In this episode of the Communication Queens podcast, host Kimberly Spencer explores the optimal timing for businesses to engage in doing guest podcast interviews as a marketing and client generation strategy. She outlines the key qualifying factors, strategic intentions, and readiness levels necessary for success in this arena. Spencer emphasizes the importance of preparation, both in terms of business strategy and personal readiness, to handle the increased visibility and potential hurdles associated with podcast guesting. Her insights aim to equip listeners with the knowledge to effectively leverage podcast guesting for their business growth.

Apply now your $100K Profit from Guest Podcasting Plan here: https://www.communicationqueens.com/book-your-100k-profit-from-podcasting-plan

Get in on our next Podcast Party to connect with the Top 5% of podcasters: https://www.communicationqueens.com/prosperity-purpose-podcasting-party

Join our NEW FREE FB Group, Profiting from Guest Podcast Interviews: https://www.facebook.com/groups/profitingfromguestpodcasting

What You'll Learn in this Episode:

  • Right time to start podcast guesting for a business
  • Qualifying parameters for podcast guesting
  • Intentions behind podcast guesting
  • Readiness required for successful podcast guesting
  • Strategies for effective podcast guesting
  • Emotionally and personally prepared for visibility and challenges
  • Significance of podcast guesting for businesses
  • Insights and examples for informed decision-making
  • Kimberly Spencer's experience and expertise in podcast guesting
  • Importance of understanding the intentions behind podcast guesting

Links + Mentions:

Moments of Note:

00:00:00 (Kimberly Spencer)
Introduction to the topic of podcast guesting for business. Explains the importance and strategies for podcast guesting.

00:01:10 (Kimberly Spencer)
Qualifying parameters and intentions behind podcast guesting. Discusses the intention behind podcast guesting and the different strategies based on the intention.

00:02:16 (Kimberly Spencer)
Targeting specific podcasts for generating leads and sales. Talks about the strategy for targeting specific podcasts to attract ideal customers.

00:03:30 (Kimberly Spencer)
The strategy for generating strategic partnerships and brand awareness. Discusses the strategy for targeting big top 1% podcasts and the revenue threshold for podcast guesting.

00:04:46 (Kimberly Spencer)
The importance of serving abundantly and not hiding information behind products or services. Emphasizes the need to serve abundantly and not hide valuable information.

00:06:01 (Kimberly Spencer)
Encouraging openness and authenticity in sharing stories on podcasts. Discusses the impact of sharing stories authentically and not hiding behind products or services.

00:07:00 (Kimberly Spencer)
The importance of vulnerability and being real on podcasts. Discusses the significance of being open, authentic, and honest while sharing experiences.

00:08:52 (Kimberly Spencer)
Being financially ready and courageous for podcast guesting. Talks about the financial readiness, clarity on offers, and emotional preparedness for visibility.

00:11:08 (Kimberly Spencer)
Emotional and personal development readiness for increased visibility. Discusses the emotional and personal development needed to handle increased visibility and potential judgment.

00:13:08 (Kimberly Spencer)
Preparation for handling difficult conversations and increased visibility. Emphasizes the need to have the bandwidth and ability to handle more customers, clients, and growth.

00:14:58 (Kimberly Spencer)
Closing remarks and encouragement to share personal stories and voices. Reminds listeners of the power of their stories and voices in making an impact.

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Kimberly Spencer

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kimberlyspencer.crownyourself/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/realkimspencer

Instagram: https://instagram.com/kimberly.spencer

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberlyspencer-crownyourself