Courage, Choices, and Brand Evolution with The Free Mama, Lauren Golden

Communication Queen | entrepreneurship, marketing, storytelling, public speaking, and podcasting

Apr 16 2024 • 58 mins

Have you ever felt trapped in the 9 to 5 grind, dreaming of financial and location freedom? In this episode of the Communication Queens podcast, host Kimberly Spencer interviews Lauren Golden, founder of The Free Mama and the Lauren Golden brand. Lauren shares her transformative journey from seeking job freedom to achieving personal and financial independence. She candidly discusses the challenges of balancing family and business, leading to a strategic simplification of her offerings. Lauren's story is one of courage and authenticity, as she embraces the "messy middle" of brand evolution, with aspirations to grow beyond her current ventures, delve into public speaking, and author more books. Her entrepreneurial mindset and commitment to intentional living shine through, inspiring listeners with her dedication to choice and extreme ownership in shaping her life and career.

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Lauren Golden is an award-winning entrepreneur, best-selling author, speaker and coach whose mission is to help one million women take their next step of courageous action. From overwhelmed mom with loads of personal debt to multi-million-dollar lifestyle entrepreneur, Lauren’s own transparency and resilience has inspired women worldwide and helped them pursue a totally awesome life, one step at a time.

As founder and CEO of The Free Mama, Lauren has developed programs that have transformed the lives of tens of thousands of women in dozens of countries across 5 continents, and altered the trajectory of how moms balance family and work. She is a dynamic and sought-after speaker who shares her strategies to make big, bold shifts in life and business, making her a popular choice for events, sharing the stage with the likes of Tony Robbins, Russell Brunson, and Trent Shelton.

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Enjoy, sovereigns!

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • Lauren Golden's personal and professional journey
  • Evolution of The Free Mama and Lauren Golden brand
  • Transformation story and brand evolution
  • Iterations of freedom experienced by Lauren
  • Challenges faced in achieving freedom of self
  • Reallocation of energy and capacity
  • Launch of the Lauren Golden brand
  • Importance of courage as a foundational value
  • Aspirations for the future and expansion of speaking engagements
  • Mindset as an entrepreneur and intentional decision-making

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Moments of Note:

Courage in the Face of Fear (00:00:00)
Lauren discusses the significance of courage in her journey, despite fear and challenges.

Introduction to the Communication Queens Podcast (00:00:23)
Kimberly Spencer introduces the Communication Queens podcast and its purpose to help visionary leaders and speakers share their transformation stories.

Defining Freedom (00:00:59)
Lauren describes the evolution of her brand, The Free Mama, and her personal journey towards freedom in various aspects.

The Hardest Transition: Freedom of Self (00:03:08)
Lauren shares her experience of the most challenging transition in her journey, focusing on freedom of self and self-discovery.

Evolution of Brand and Offers (00:07:17)
Lauren discusses the changes in her brand and offers, including the shift to a membership model and the launch of the Lauren Golden brand.

Differentiation of Brands and Target Audience (00:12:32)
Lauren explains the differences between the Lauren Golden brand and The Free Mama, including their respective missions, visions, and target audiences.

Messy Action and Future Vision (00:15:49)
Lauren reflects on the current stage of her brands, experimenting with messaging and separating the brands while envisioning their future paths.

Future of The Free Mama (00:20:22)
Lauren shares her contemplation about the future of The Free Mama brand, expressing a potential desire to sell it while acknowledging its positive impact.

The journey forward (00:21:34)
Lauren discusses her speaking engagements and her broader message beyond The Free Mama. She plans to write books and convert programs into books.

Back-end game (00:22:26)
Lauren talks about converting programs into books, republishing her best-selling book, and working on a journal and e-books.

Homeschooling and unlearning (00:25:02)
The conversation shifts to homeschooling experiences, unlearning traditional education, and finding confidence in doing things differently.

Financial literacy and education (00:29:22)
Lauren discusses the lack of financial literacy in the school system, her approach to teaching her children about money using the Greenlight app, and the importance of life skills.

Homeschooling and parenting podcasts (00:31:58)
The conversation explores the potential for Lauren to venture into homeschooling and parenting podcasts due to her unique approach to parenting and homeschooling.

Taking risks and extreme ownership (00:33:26)
The discussion revolves around taking risks, the impact of being raised by an entrepreneur, and the concept of extreme ownership in decision-making.

Freedom of choice and self-awareness (00:38:07)
Lauren reflects on the power of choice, extreme ownership, and self-awareness in decision-making and modeling freedom of choice in her content.

The seed of choice (00:42:37)
Lauren reflects on her miscarriage and the voice that gave her permission to choose, shaping her trajectory.

Self-fulfilling mindset (00:43:38)
Lauren discusses her past mindset of feeling powerless and choosing self-pity, and her realization about the impact of self-fulfilling beliefs.

Unlearning control (00:45:37)
Lauren shares her struggles with control, especially in parenting, and her journey of unlearning and embracing freedom of choice.

Confrontation and peace (00:48:01)
Lauren discusses her confrontational nature and the shift towards disengaging from confrontations, prioritizing peace and harmony.

Polarizing choices (00:50:48)
The conversation explores the concept of polarizing choices, respecting individual freedom of choices, and the impact on personal growth.

Taking action (00:53:59)
Lauren delves into the importance of taking action to move past negative thoughts and how it relates to personal growth and mindset.

Embracing complexity of life (00:55:53)
Lauren shares her perspective on embracing life's complexity, rejecting simplistic views, and taking ownership of one's journey.

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