Make the Most of a Polarizing Brand Message with Sarah "Sharky" Harkness

Communication Queen | entrepreneurship, marketing, storytelling, public speaking, and podcasting

Feb 14 2024 • 19 mins

In a world that often feels divided, embracing a polarizing perspective can be a catalyst for change with your brand message and business. Sarah "Sharky" Harkness joined me to discuss how taking a stand in our beliefs not only challenges others but also catalyzes our own growth. Join us as we dive into the power of communication and the significance of unforgettable interviews.

This snippet of an interview is from a long-form interview with Sarah on the Crown Yourself Podcast. Listen to the full episode on the Crown Yourself Podcast:

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In 2019 after she had her third baby, a boy, she suddenly started getting unwell. She developed chronic pain, and neuropathy in her arms and legs, and was eventually diagnosed with Intracranial Hypertension and POTS rare forms of dysautonomia.

On Christmas Day of 2020, she saw her daughter for 1 hour in between two consecutive abdominal debridement surgeries at a public hospital. She had an infection from a prior surgery and was developing sepsis.

She couldn't have held her tighter. Sarah shared the room with two cancer patients and a pregnant drug addict. But at this moment, she could have been in paradise because she was a mum seeing and celebrating Christmas with her baby on Christmas day. And that, for her was abundance.

Fast forward to 2022, Sarah spent a large chunk of her year in St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney, running a multi-million dollar revops business, CattleDog Digital, from her hospital bed, facetiming the kids, watching raging floodgates rise and fall. She missed mothers Day, her birthday, and through a blur of surgeries (brain for the third time, ileostomy, reverse ileostomy, bowel resection, bowel untwisting, bowel removal, prolapse repair, and bladder repair she learned something but it's nothing new and is something you can use every day to live the life you want.

Sarah accredits her miraculous transformation into a healthy, present, unhospitalized mother, coach and founder of Project Lotus to a combination of Fountain Life, A360, Dr.G, and, the abundance theory that downloaded and saved her.

Connect with Sarah:


👑 The Power of Polarizing Perspectives: We explore why taking a stand for your beliefs, even if they're controversial, can lead to growth and make your voice heard. It's all about being memorable and making an impact.

👑 Communication as a Catalyst: Get ready to challenge your own beliefs as we discuss how sharing your unique perspective can shake things up and stimulate expansion in ways you never imagined.

👑 Spreading Love in Hardship: Sarah shares touching stories of helping others see beyond their pain, igniting that spark of fire within, and choosing compassion in the face of suffering.

👑 Your Voice Matters: We wrap up with a powerful call to action for you to share your stories and experiences. Your narrative has the power to inspire and uplift, and we can't wait to hear it.


Moments of Note:

Introduction to Polarizing Perspectives (00:00:00)
Kimberly introduces the concept of having a polarizing perspective in podcast interviews and explains its impact on the audience.

Sarah's Experience with Suffering (00:01:14)
Sarah shares her personal experience of suffering and how she holds a polarizing perspective that challenges victim mindsets.

The Igniting Power of a Polarizing Perspective (00:02:25)
Kimberly discusses how a polarizing perspective can ignite possibilities and make individuals the creators of their own reality.

Effect of Polarizing Perspectives on Publicity (00:03:37)
Kimberly explains the impact of polarizing perspectives on audience engagement and the potential for growth through triggering differing viewpoints.

The Belief in Overcoming Challenges (00:04:44)
Kimberly shares a coaching experience and the power of holding a polarizing perspective to challenge limiting beliefs and foster growth.

The Memorable Impact of Polarizing Perspectives (00:05:40)
Kimberly emphasizes how a polarizing perspective can make podcast interviews stand out and create a unique identity in the industry.

The Choice of Suffering (00:08:15)
Kimberly and Sarah discuss the polarizing idea that suffering is a choice, and the power of love, care, and compassion in transforming one's experience of suffering.

Transforming Suffering into Opportunity (00:12:25)
Sarah shares her perspective on transforming suffering into an opportunity for growth and the importance of making conscious choices.

Sparking Change and Compassion (00:15:30)
Sarah talks about sparking change and compassion in individuals, even those inflicting suffering, and the simplicity of love, care, and compassion.

Conclusion and Call to Action (00:17:33)
Kimberly concludes the episode, encourages subscription and sharing, and emphasizes the power of storytelling and communication.