E44: From Layoffs to Land Barons - Our Story of Becoming Filthy Rich, Flipping Dirt

Cash Flow Fight Club

May 16 2024 • 27 mins

Tired of the daily grind? Ever dream of being your own boss?

In this episode, Mike and Ligia share their story of transitioning from corporate jobs to becoming full-time real estate investors and coaches. After facing unexpected layoffs, they took the opportunity to reevaluate their lives and pursue their dream of financial independence through land flipping.

They discuss the mindset shifts, strategies, and lessons learned along their entrepreneurial journey.

Whether you start a side hustle or go all-in, we'll give you the mindset shifts and strategies you need to break free from the 9-5 trap and live life on your terms.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:


01:43 - Traumatic job loss sparks career change

03:18 - Rethinking traditional retirement

04:23 - Research leads to discovering land investing

09:07 - Overcoming self-doubt and limiting beliefs

12:55-  Importance of coaching and taking consistent action

16:18 - The formula for change and success

19:14 - Choosing between side hustle and full commitment

23:37 - A coaching program for land investing

Episode Highlights:

[04:23] Discovering Land Investing

Mike details how he first discovered land investing through podcast research years prior. When he and Ligia unexpectedly lost their jobs, it gave them the flexibility to fully commit to their new venture. They decided to try land investing for 12 months, treating it as a full-time job. With help from a coaching program, they were able to achieve early success through dedicated action-taking.

[09:07] Pushing Through Mental Struggles

Ligia shares the mental struggles of transitioning from a steady paycheck to being fully self-employed. Criticism from friends and family added to the self-doubt. She learned to push through fears of failure by focusing on small wins and drawing encouragement from their like-minded community.

[12:55] Coaching as an Investment, Not Expense

Coaching should be viewed as an investment rather than an expense. While coaching programs may have an upfront cost, the return on investment can be significant. By investing in a coaching program early on, Mike and Ligia were able to avoid costly mistakes and the success they achieved outweighed the initial coaching costs.

[13:50] The Importance of Taking Action

Mike and Ligia emphasize that taking consistent action is key to any entrepreneurial endeavor. While research and planning have value, ultimately progress happens through real-world testing and iteration. They advise starting a side business first when possible but also not being afraid to fully commit, as they did, when the timing feels right.

Resources Mentioned:

Rich Dad Poor Dad