E40: Content Creators Clash: Coach Danny D vs Chay Fight to Create the Best Content

Cash Flow Fight Club

Apr 10 2024 • 1 hr 10 mins

Video virtuosos Danny “Coach Danny D” DelVecchio and Chay Nott go head to head in the ultimate marketing showdown!

These two creative entrepreneurs know the power of video content but have very different approaches. Danny helps clients easily create video content for LinkedIn using virtual interviews, while Chay handles full physical production for e-commerce brands.

Tune in to see who emerges victorious in this epic clash of video business models!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:


01:05 - Introducing for Danny and Chay

05:25 - Dan and Chay’s career backgrounds

13:18 - Round 2: Current business models for video content creation

16:47 - How Danny’s virtual studio works

25:23 - Round 3: Startup cost, challenges, and returns

39:50 - Strategies for finding clients

45:25 - Price points and finding their teams

Episode Highlights:

[05:25] About Dan and Chay

Chay had no prior experience with cameras but used the pandemic downtime to intensely learn photography and videography skills on YouTube. He gained experience through many free early jobs of varying quality. Danny comes from a sales background and had an early podcast that taught him social media marketing. The podcast failed its second time, but he pivoted to coaching and saw opportunities in video content creation for clients.

[13:18] Round 2: Their Current Business Models for Video Content Creation

Danny runs a virtual studio model, conducting research-based interviews with clients and handing off editing. He shares pricing ranges from $1,000 for a starter package, up to $8,000 for premium clients. Chay handles full physical production for e-commerce brands, managing all aspects from locations to post-production. He works with brands doing $2.5-3M annually and prices his packages from $5,000-10,000 depending on content needs. Danny finds most clients through organic LinkedIn engagement, while Chay leverages the platform plus word-of-mouth and location-based Instagram hashtags.

[25:23] Round 3: Startup Cost, Challenges, Risks, and Returns

Danny and Chay both note client budget constraints and finding competent freelance help as the major challenges they face in running their video companies.  Danny shares that clients often see video as a luxury rather than a necessity. Chay has invested more heavily in equipment due to physical production needs. While each has considered hiring employees, risks remain. They've relied on social media and referrals to build contractor networks. Dan and Chay are both optimistic that quality video content could deliver high returns in building brands and sales if marketed effectively.

Resources Mentioned:

Danny’s website: https://www.coachdannyd.com