Mastering Family Business + Owning Your Career

HR Nightmares

Jun 14 2023 • 42 mins

Join our host, Lisa Leath, along with co-hosts Beth Looney and Amy Conway, as they delve into the world of career ownership. In this episode, they are joined by Tammy Benson, Chief Operations Officer of Advanced Marketing International. Brace yourself as they kick things off by exploring the highs, lows, and potential pitfalls of running a family business. Tammy, Beth, and Lisa share helpful tips to navigate all that comes with the family business. But that's just the beginning! The ladies go on to reveal the ultimate secret to taking charge of your career. They emphasize the importance of having open and honest conversations with your managers, truly understanding yourself, putting in the necessary effort, and gaining valuable insights for long-term success. They also shed light on the power of career pathing, a proven strategy that has propelled Tammy, Amy, Lisa, and Beth to their current positions.

Hold onto this incredible takeaway: if you have a clear vision of where you want to be in the next five years, don't hesitate to discuss it with your management team. Discover what it would take to make your dream a reality. Remember, your career is firmly within your grasp, and your managers are there to support you, offering guidance and presenting opportunities every step of the way! Get ready to seize control of your professional destiny in this empowering episode.

If you have a topic, situation, or question you would like us to discuss to be featured on the next episode SUBMIT HERE.

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