Silencing Imposter Syndrome: Claim Your Competence and Worth

Aging with Grace & Style

Apr 9 2024 • 11 mins

Show Notes:


In this episode, Valerie Hatcher addresses the common yet seldom discussed phenomenon of imposter syndrome. Valerie reveals her own experiences, shares listener stories, and offers actionable strategies for women over 50 to overcome these self-doubting thoughts. Join in and learn how to embrace our successes, silence our inner critic, and step into our power with grace and style.


00:00 Introduction to Imposter Syndrome

00:50 Challenging aging stereotypes and owning success with confidence

01:59 Understanding Imposter Syndrome and its impact on women over 50

03:01 Personal reflection on facing and overcoming self-doubt

04:52 Listener story: Janice’s triumph over Imposter Syndrome in college

05:51 Strategies to combat Imposter Syndrome: Acknowledge, Challenge, Celebrate

08:11 The power of community: Talking to friends, mentors, or coaches

09:34 Lifelong learning as an antidote to self-doubt

10:21 Encouraging self-compassion and breaking the silence on Imposter Syndrome

10:56 Conclusion, an invitation to continue the conversation, and call to action

Key Takeaways:

  • Recognize imposter syndrome as the voice of doubt that undermines your achievements and learn to name it when those feelings arise.
  • Counter negative self-talk by affirming your qualifications and reminding yourself of the effort and dedication that contributed to your successes.
  • Keep a record of your accomplishments in a "wins folder" to have tangible proof of your hard work and skills for those moments when self-doubt creeps in.
  • Reach out to your support system of friends, mentors, or a coach for perspective and encouragement to combat feelings of fraudulence.
  • Engage continually in personal and professional development to bolster your confidence and to keep imposter syndrome at bay by actively witnessing your growth and competency.

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See you soon! Let's continue to age with grace, style, and a touch of sass.