059. Your Last 72 Hours


Mar 23 2023 • 14 mins

Rundown? Low energy? Scattered? Or just not very productive this week? Think back to what you consumed, did – or didn't do – in the last 72 hours.

Our bodies take time to catch up with our habits (good and bad). On the penultimate episode of the season, I'm offering up a recalibration check-in to help you finish your week strong, and head in to next week feeling energized – even if your well-intentioned habits in the last 72 hours have fallen off track.

💥🎧 Want to make a BIG impact with you Voice as a podcaster or influencer? Let’s talk! Follow me on Instagram at @atelierwrede⁠ and DM “Discovery Call” to set up your FREE Discovery Call with me.

❤️🎤 What’s Your Podcast Personality? Take my 3 minute quiz to discover your unique podcasting style, learn what’s holding you back, and take the first step to launching a slammin’ podcast that turns listeners into loyal customers: ⁠atelierwrede.com/quiz

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