057. The Overshare


Mar 21 2023 • 21 mins

Ever wonder if you’re sharing too much with your audience? Like, the way-too-personal stuff?

‘Authenticity’ is the buzzword de rigueur in the podcasting and influencer space. But at what point do we risk alienating our audience with content that oversteps a boundary, in our desire to let it all hang out and ‘be real’?

Today, I explore the concept of The Overshare, and offer up four concepts to consider when it comes to getting personal on your podcast, social media channel (or other platform of influence) without crossing the line with your audience (many of whom may be clients and customers).


🎤 ❤️ What’s Your Podcast Personality? Take my 3 minute quiz to discover your unique podcasting style, learn what’s holding you back, and take the first step to launching a slammin’ podcast that turns listeners into loyal customers: ⁠atelierwrede.com/quiz⁠

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