051. Unfollowed? Don't Take It Personally.


Mar 13 2023 • 18 mins

Unsubscribes and unfollows are part of the game of being a personal brand. But it can still cut to the quick when someone gives us the digital sayonara!

Today, I’m helping you not take it personally when someone jumps out of your online orbit: whether it’s an unsubscribe from your email list; an unfollow on your socials; or dwindling downloads of your pod.

AND I’m showing you why unsubscribes and unfollows are actually 100% awesome – no, really!


🎤 ❤️ What’s Your Podcast Personality? Take my 3 minute quiz to discover your unique podcasting style, learn what’s holding you back, and take the first step to launching a slammin’ podcast that turns listeners into loyal customers: atelierwrede.com/quiz

Say hello to me on Instagram at @atelierwrede and be sure to FOLLOW here so you never miss an episode!