056. What Your Calendar Is NOT...


Mar 20 2023 • 18 mins

How many of us have an awesome relationship with our calendar? Too often, that innocuous little tool can feel like it’s mocking our efforts to be productive.  We chronically overschedule ourselves. We optimistically underestimate how long things will take. We never have enough hours in the day...!

More often than is probably healthy, we look at our calendar not as a powerful tool to achieve our goals – but as a vehicle for punishment: negative self-talk, perfectionism, and even shame in ‘not getting it right’.

If you've come to view your calendar as your foe (or you've thrown your calendar out the window all together), listen up!

Today, I'm offering three concepts of what your calendar is NOT – so you can begin to develop a more empowered relationship with your schedule, your time, and yourself.


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