049. Bridges to Self-Belief


Mar 9 2023 • 18 mins

What’s the root cause of our inaction? A lack of self-belief.

Today, I’m showing you how to navigate around a lack of self-belief in ANY area of your life, whether it’s a goal to start your podcast; make more money; lose weight; or take your business next level.

When you learn how to reframe self-belief (or a lack there of it, to any degree) you begin to SHOW UP and take ACTION on your dreams.

Are you ready to cross the bridges to self-belief with me today? Let’s do this!


🎤 ❤️ What’s Your Podcast Personality? Take my 3 minute quiz to discover your unique podcasting style, learn what’s holding you back, and take the first step to launching a slammin’ podcast that turns listeners into loyal customers: atelierwrede.com/quiz

Say hello to me on Instagram at @atelierwrede and be sure to FOLLOW here so you never miss an episode!