Mad Couch Cast - Grow Your Business | Increase Productivity | Build an Unstoppable Business Strategy

Kendra Gill | Director of Operations | Mad Couch Company

Have you ever thought: I wish I could step out of the daily hustle of client work… I should have my business figured out by now… How can I increase productivity and grow my business too? How do I turn my ideas into reality? It’s time for an operations intervention. We know how it feels when you can’t take a deep breath because there’s another high-priority problem needing attention. Things seem daunting when they feel chaotic and unclear… So let’s flip the script and get real, open, and honest about your business operations! Mad Couch Cast is specifically designed with business owners in mind. This is your opportunity to slow down while still moving forward. We talk about topics like creating a business strategy, scaling a business, and streamlining your company systems and processes so you can get things done more efficiently. We’ll provide you with the direction, advice, encouragement and support to create a solid business that allows for growth without sacrificing any other aspect of your company. It’s time to move forward with confidence and intentional action. So come hang out with me and my guests! We will help you connect the dots between future success and daily actions so you can reach your goals, scale your business, and enjoy life. You CAN own a business and keep your sanity. You CAN operate from within your zone of genius. You CAN build a business you love. So sit back, grab a coffee, take a deep breath, and let’s chat. Let’s Connect! Learn More: Email: Community: Instagram: read less


15. Feel Like You Should Have Everything Figured Out By Now? The Power of Purpose, Goals, and Growth
May 3 2023
15. Feel Like You Should Have Everything Figured Out By Now? The Power of Purpose, Goals, and Growth
Do you feel like you should have everything figured out in your business?   As business owners, it's natural to feel like we should be further down the road. We want to be successful and reach our goals as quickly as possible. However, this pressure can often lead to feelings of discouragement and frustration when we don't see the progress we want. In some cases, it can even lead to overwhelm and burnout if we don't learn to manage these pressures in a healthy way.   It's not fun to feel like you're stuck in a maze of should-haves and what-ifs in your business.  But don't let the pressure get you down - let's shake things up, take a new approach, and learn how to navigate through the chaos! Are you ready to love the business you're in? Let's chat! - Kendra   CLARITY CALL:  Wish you had 10 minutes to chat about your business - about the roadblocks that are keeping you from strategic growth? Let's jump on a clarity call and talk about ways to remove the roadblocks and move forward in your business! Just head over to! FREEBIES: Grab the Mission, Vision, and Values Workbook! Join the FREE Facebook community: Check out the website: Email us: Related Episodes: Get Ready to Crush Your Business Goals: A Roadmap to Success for the Next 90 Days 5 Tips to Spice Up Your Workspace and Increase Productivity Get Rid of Distractions The 8 Pillars of Business Growth: How to Make Your Business Thrive
13. Friday Power Strategy: Say Goodbye to Appointment Scheduling Nightmares and Manage Your Calendar with Ease
Apr 1 2023
13. Friday Power Strategy: Say Goodbye to Appointment Scheduling Nightmares and Manage Your Calendar with Ease
Hey there! This is another Friday Power Strategy, and today we're diving into the world of calendar scheduling!  Scheduling meetings with clients can be a real doozy, but it's not just about finding a time that works for both parties. It's also about creating a solid foundation for communication and building a strong relationship with your clients.  Gone are the days of endless email chains and hours wasted trying to find the perfect meeting time. With a streamlined calendar scheduling process in place, you'll save time, stress less, and establish trust with your clients. If you don't have a calendar scheduling process set up for your business, the tips and tricks we're about to share can change your life as a service-based business owner. Let's get it! - Kendra     Passion Fueled Purpose Course If you're ready to build a business that you love and reach your version of success - it starts with your business foundations. If you're tired of getting caught in the day to day hustle, and you're ready to start working on your business instead of just in your business, join us in the Passion Fueled Purpose course! We'll get crystal clear on your Purpose, Mission, Vision, Values, Target Client, and Brand. Can't wait to see you there! Last Chance: Join the Wait List Now!   FREEBIES: Grab the Mission, Vision, and Values Workbook! Join the FREE Facebook community: Check out the website: Email us: Related Episodes: 11. Friday Power Strategy: The Dos and Don’ts of Client Onboarding
12. Get Ready to Crush Your Business Goals: A Roadmap to Success for the Next 90 Days
Mar 29 2023
12. Get Ready to Crush Your Business Goals: A Roadmap to Success for the Next 90 Days
Are you tired of spending hours in front of your computer screen and still feeling like your business isn't going anywhere? Well, you're in luck! In this episode, we're going to shake things up and show you that productivity alone won't cut it. Nope, we're talking about the steps you can take to set your business up to have its most successful 90 far. We'll give you the framework to set yourself up to make significant progress toward towards your goals and make an impact with your business! - Kendra   Passion Fueled Purpose Course If you're ready to build a business that you love and reach your version of success - it starts with your business foundations. If you're tired of getting caught in the day to day hustle, and you're ready to start working on your business instead of just in your business, join us in the Passion Fueled Purpose course! We'll get crystal clear on your Purpose, Mission, Vision, Values, Target Client, and Brand. Can't wait to see you there! Join the Wait List Now!   FREEBIES: Grab the Mission, Vision, and Values Workbook! Join the FREE Facebook community: Check out the website: Email us: Related Episodes: - 01. Want to Scale Your Business? You Need These 3 Business Foundations - 04. The 8 Pillars of Business Growth: How to Make Your Business Thrive - 05. Navigating Your Business Growth: How a Strategic Plan Can Be Your North Star
09. Why Sacrificing Your Personal Life for Your Business is a Terrible Idea: The Power of Setting Boundaries
Mar 15 2023
09. Why Sacrificing Your Personal Life for Your Business is a Terrible Idea: The Power of Setting Boundaries
Hey there! Are you feeling like your business is running you ragged? Are you having trouble balancing your work life with your personal life, or maybe you're just not making progress towards your business goals? Well, it's time to talk about setting some boundaries up in here! As business owners, setting boundaries is essential for establishing clear expectations, protecting our precious time and energy, and ultimately growing your business. Whether it's with clients, your team, or even yourself, setting boundaries can help you create a more productive and fulfilling work environment. In this episode, we're gonna dive deep into the nitty-gritty of why setting boundaries in your business is crucial, how to establish them, and give you some practical tips for creating healthy and effective ones that will work for you.  Get ready to come away feeling empowered and ready to rock those boundaries! - Kendra   Business Foundations Course Are you ready to define your business foundations so that your business can stand the test of time and you can build a business you love? Join the Wait List Now!   Grab the Mission, Vision, and Values Workbook Join the FREE Facebook community: Check out the website: Email us:   Related Episodes 01. Want to Scale Your Business? You Need These 3 Business Foundations 06. Tired of Putting Out Fires? Use These Practical Tips to Manage Your Business 07. 5 Tips to Spice Up Your Workspace, Increase Productivity, and Get Rid of Distractions
08. From Distracted to Focused: How Neurodiverse Entrepreneurs Harness Hyper Focus to Succeed with Ana Natkins
Mar 6 2023
08. From Distracted to Focused: How Neurodiverse Entrepreneurs Harness Hyper Focus to Succeed with Ana Natkins
Hey friend! Do you ever struggle with staying focused and getting things done? You're not alone! In this episode, we are joined by Ana Natkins, the founder of Ana's Simple Solutions, for an exciting conversation on the topic of neurodiverse entrepreneurship. We'll be diving into how hyper focus, a trait commonly found in neurodivergent individuals, can actually be used as a powerful tool for success in business. It's going to be an eye-opening discussion that you won't want to miss. Whether you're a neurodivergent entrepreneur looking for some tips and tricks, or a business owner who wants to learn how to leverage your unique abilities, this conversation is perfect for you. So grab a coffee, grab your notes app, sit back, and join us for some fun and insightful talk on the power of hyper focus! - Kendra   You can find Ana here: Website: LinkedIn:  Instagram:  Youtube:    RESOURCES mentioned in this episode: Time Tracker Ana has dropped this freebie to help those trying to manage their time better - whether they are Neurodivergent or just need a better handle on what they are spending time done. The 12 Week Year by Brian P Moran Zapier Make ClickUp Asana Airtable   Passion Fueled Purpose Course Are you ready to define your business foundations so that your business can stand the test of time and you can build a business you love? Join the Wait List Now! ***There is a special discount for those who want to join the course from the Waitlist!***   Join the FREE Facebook community: Check out the website: Email us:
05. Navigating Your Business Growth: How a Strategic Plan Can Be Your North Star
Feb 14 2023
05. Navigating Your Business Growth: How a Strategic Plan Can Be Your North Star
Hey Friend... Are you tired of putting out fires all the time? Tired of playing the Wack-a-Mole game of business where you hit one problem down, but 5 more pop up? One of the worst feelings is wondering if everything that you're doing is worth it and whether you'll actually achieve your vision for the future. So many people think:  I need to work harder.  I need to work longer. When in truth, they have not actively chosen a path to follow. Their strategy has been more reactive than proactive. Maybe you can relate? That's where a strategic plan comes in. By defining your vision, mission, and values, and setting specific, actionable goals, a strategic plan can help you stay on track and make informed decisions as you grow your business.   It's like a North Star leading you toward your future version of success! So today, we're talking all about what a strategic plan is, why it's important, how to create one, and how to implement it. So let's jump in! - Kendra   Passion Fueled Purpose Course If you're ready to build a business that you love and reach your version of success - it starts with your business foundations. If you're tired of getting caught in the day to day hustle, and you're ready to start working on your business instead of just in your business, join us in the Passion Fueled Purpose course! We'll get crystal clear on your Purpose, Mission, Vision, Values, Target Client, and Brand. Can't wait to see you there! Join the Wait List Now!   FREEBIES: Grab the Mission, Vision, and Values Workbook! Time Blocker Template Join the FREE Facebook community: Check out the website: Email us: Related Episodes: - 01. Want to Scale Your Business? You Need These 3 Business Foundations - 04. The 8 Pillars of Business Growth: How to Make Your Business Thrive
01. Want to Scale Your Business? You Need These 3 Business Foundations
Jan 31 2023
01. Want to Scale Your Business? You Need These 3 Business Foundations
Hey there! Are you ready to supercharge your business so it can not only survive - but also thrive? It all starts with 3 crucial foundations on which the rest of your business is built.  We're talking about: Mission, Vision, and Core Values. Think of these as your secret ingredients for success. They're the driving force behind growth, scaling, and creating a massive impact in your business. And the best part? We're talking about how to create and implement them, making sure your business is built on solid ground from day one. So, buckle up, because whether you're just starting out or have been in business for a while, having a strong foundation will help you achieve your goals and build a successful business. Don't forget to grab our Mission, Vision, and Values workbook - which will help you clarify and build your own foundations for your business. Grab it here! - Kendra   Passion Fueled Purpose Course If you're ready to build a business that you love and reach your version of success - it starts with your business foundations. If you're tired of getting caught in the day to day hustle, and you're ready to start working on your business instead of just in your business, join us in the Passion Fueled Purpose course! We'll get crystal clear on your Purpose, Mission, Vision, Values, Target Client, and Brand. Can't wait to see you there! Join the Wait List Now!   FREEBIES Grab the Mission, Vision, and Values Workbook   Join the FREE Facebook community: Check out the website: Email us:   Related Episodes: 04. The 8 Pillars of Business Growth: How to Make Your Business Thrive 12. Get Ready to Crush Your Business Goals: A Roadmap to Success for the Next 90 Days
Welcome to the Mad Couch Cast! It’s Time to Build a Strategy, Streamline Operations, and Scale Your Business!
Jan 24 2023
Welcome to the Mad Couch Cast! It’s Time to Build a Strategy, Streamline Operations, and Scale Your Business!
Are you ready to ditch the daily hustle and build a business you love? Or maybe you're: - Looking to increase productivity and grow your business? - Ready to turn your ideas into reality? - Feeling like you should have your business figured out by now... Here's the deal friend, you can grow a business and keep your sanity, and operate from within your zone of genius. Hey guys, welcome to the Mad Couch Cast! I'm Kendra - a teacher turned certified Director of Operations and owner and founder of Mad Couch Company. My mission to help business owners scale by streamlining operations, creating efficiencies, and building an unstoppable strategy to reach your version of success. I know how it feels when you can't take a deep breath because there's another high-priority problem needing attention. The truth is things seem daunting when they feel chaotic and unclear… So I'm all about flipping the script and get real, open, and honest about your business operations! On this podcast, we'll give actionable strategies for - scaling your business - creating business strategy - streamlining systems and processes - creating a solid business that allows for growth without sacrificing any other aspect of your company This is your chance to slow down while still moving forward So come hang out with me and my guests! We will help you connect the dots between future success and daily actions so you can reach your goals and scale your business. It's time to grab a coffee, open your notes app, take a deep breath, and let's chat. More Resources: Join the free FB community: Check out the website: Email us: