Welcome to the Mad Couch Cast! It’s Time to Build a Strategy, Streamline Operations, and Scale Your Business!

Mad Couch Cast - Grow Your Business | Increase Productivity | Build an Unstoppable Business Strategy

Jan 24 2023 • 4 mins

Are you ready to ditch the daily hustle and build a business you love?

Or maybe you're:

- Looking to increase productivity and grow your business? - Ready to turn your ideas into reality? - Feeling like you should have your business figured out by now...

Here's the deal friend, you can grow a business and keep your sanity, and operate from within your zone of genius.

Hey guys, welcome to the Mad Couch Cast!

I'm Kendra - a teacher turned certified Director of Operations and owner and founder of Mad Couch Company. My mission to help business owners scale by streamlining operations, creating efficiencies, and building an unstoppable strategy to reach your version of success.

I know how it feels when you can't take a deep breath because there's another high-priority problem needing attention. The truth is things seem daunting when they feel chaotic and unclear…

So I'm all about flipping the script and get real, open, and honest about your business operations!

On this podcast, we'll give actionable strategies for - scaling your business - creating business strategy - streamlining systems and processes - creating a solid business that allows for growth without sacrificing any other aspect of your company

This is your chance to slow down while still moving forward

So come hang out with me and my guests! We will help you connect the dots between future success and daily actions so you can reach your goals and scale your business.

It's time to grab a coffee, open your notes app, take a deep breath, and let's chat.

More Resources:

Join the free FB community: facebook.com/groups/growyourbz

Check out the website: www.madcouchco.com

Email us: kendra@madcouchco.com