09. Why Sacrificing Your Personal Life for Your Business is a Terrible Idea: The Power of Setting Boundaries

Mad Couch Cast - Grow Your Business | Increase Productivity | Build an Unstoppable Business Strategy

Mar 15 2023 • 18 mins

Hey there!

Are you feeling like your business is running you ragged? Are you having trouble balancing your work life with your personal life, or maybe you're just not making progress towards your business goals?

Well, it's time to talk about setting some boundaries up in here! As business owners, setting boundaries is essential for establishing clear expectations, protecting our precious time and energy, and ultimately growing your business. Whether it's with clients, your team, or even yourself, setting boundaries can help you create a more productive and fulfilling work environment.

In this episode, we're gonna dive deep into the nitty-gritty of why setting boundaries in your business is crucial, how to establish them, and give you some practical tips for creating healthy and effective ones that will work for you.

Get ready to come away feeling empowered and ready to rock those boundaries!

- Kendra

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