05. Navigating Your Business Growth: How a Strategic Plan Can Be Your North Star

Mad Couch Cast - Grow Your Business | Increase Productivity | Build an Unstoppable Business Strategy

Feb 14 2023 • 20 mins

Hey Friend... Are you tired of putting out fires all the time? Tired of playing the Wack-a-Mole game of business where you hit one problem down, but 5 more pop up?

One of the worst feelings is wondering if everything that you're doing is worth it and whether you'll actually achieve your vision for the future.

So many people think:  I need to work harder.  I need to work longer.

When in truth, they have not actively chosen a path to follow. Their strategy has been more reactive than proactive. Maybe you can relate?

That's where a strategic plan comes in. By defining your vision, mission, and values, and setting specific, actionable goals, a strategic plan can help you stay on track and make informed decisions as you grow your business.

It's like a North Star leading you toward your future version of success! So today, we're talking all about what a strategic plan is, why it's important, how to create one, and how to implement it. So let's jump in!

- Kendra

Passion Fueled Purpose Course

If you're ready to build a business that you love and reach your version of success - it starts with your business foundations. If you're tired of getting caught in the day to day hustle, and you're ready to start working on your business instead of just in your business, join us in the Passion Fueled Purpose course! We'll get crystal clear on your Purpose, Mission, Vision, Values, Target Client, and Brand. Can't wait to see you there!

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Related Episodes:

- 01. Want to Scale Your Business? You Need These 3 Business Foundations

- 04. The 8 Pillars of Business Growth: How to Make Your Business Thrive