Ep. 254 - The Power of Protein: Why, When, and How to Eat More to Lose Fat and Keep It Off

The Unstuck Yourself Podcast

Aug 3 2023 • 16 mins

You know how critical of a role eating adequate protein plays in muscle growth and recovery.

But what you may not know is the depth of benefit eating adequate protein provides when trying to lose fat and keep it off for good. If you understand how much protein to eat and when to eat it, you can dramatically improve the likelihood of losing body fat, maintaining and growing muscle mass…

…and keeping that body fat off for good!

In today’s episode, I’ll detail all you need to know about how much, when, and why to eat protein to support your sustainable fat loss goal, and also share several strategies to help make eating this nutrient much easier so that you can reach your own unique goal.

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How I Can Help You:

I help women over 30 lose weight and rebuild limitless confidence so that they never have to diet again.

To date, I’ve personally coached more than 1,500 women and helped them to collectively lose 10,000+ pounds of body fat and keep it off for good, while simultaneously empowering them with the education, strategies, and accountability needed to feel and look their best.

Learn more about how I can help you feel, look, and be your best - schedule a call with me today.