Regroovin ™ Your Nervous System with Amy Guerrero

Business as Activism with Elijah Selby

Mar 12 2024 • 1 hr 5 mins

[TW: this episode includes discussion of alcohol abuse and attempted suicide. If you know that hearing about these things will trigger you, please don't listen. Always take exquisite care of your beautiful self.]

When Amy Guerrero reached sent me the google form for "potential podcast guests" she wrote, "I am passionate AF about this work, and look forward to connecting and supporting your audience." I immediately felt a HELL YES in my body. Amy does so much more than help people with trauma--and yet, trauma is also so threaded throughout our systems and lives that understanding it and understanding how to work with it and regulate our nervous systems is nothing short of MIRACULOUS. Amy shares her with so much openness and generosity.

Please come hear about the power of surrender, the toxicity of shame, and the possibilities that exist when we start to understand these things. This episode is truly such a gift.


Amy's website:

Amy on IG:

Elijah on IG:

Come say hello!