Powerful Visibility through Podcast Guesting with Natalie Koussa

Business as Activism with Elijah Selby

Oct 17 2023 • 51 mins

If you wonder how to gain visibility in a very noisy world, you will want to listen to this episode. Natalie Koussa is a business development coach and Podcast Guesting Strategist who helps industry changemakers create their fully expressed, fully booked business. She’s the creator of the Luminous Mastermind, and The Speakeasy - a group programme which supports entrepreneurs to clarify their thought leadership message, pitch like a pro and get booked on the podcasts their future clients are listening to.

In this powerful conversation, Natalie shares her personal story with us on how she gained visibility through podcast guesting and how she then found her genius in helping others do the same. She talks about:

*How to create your message and show not only what you're doing differently but what it is you stand for.

*How podcast guesting helps you have your message heard in a powerful way (think consent and intimacy).

*How podcasting, referrals, and her email list gets her 95% of her business vs. being able to count on one hand the number of clients she's gotten off social media.

*What you need to have in place in order to start growing your business through podcast guesting...and so much more!

I can't wait for you to curl up and get cozy with this warm and wonderful conversation that is going to create so much possibility for you!

LINKS: Natalie's website: https://www.nataliekoussa.com/

Natalie's Speakeasy Program (open now!): https://www.nataliekoussa.com/speakeasy

Natalie on IG: https://www.instagram.com/nataliekoussa_/

Natalie on LinkedIn: https://ie.linkedin.com/in/nataliekoussa

Elijah on IG: https://www.instagram.com/elijahshannonselby/

Business as Activism on IG: https://www.instagram.com/businessasactivism/