56. Four Simple Ways To Stop Overthinking Everything

The Nichole Banks Podcast

Sep 25 2023 • 15 mins

Connect with Nichole Banks


  • Nichole introduces the episode and explains the importance of addressing overthinking.
  • She mentions her personal struggle with overthinking and sets the stage for the episode.

Segment 1: Mindful Breathing

  • Nichole discusses the first strategy for overcoming overthinking, which is mindful breathing.
  • She explains how to practice mindful breathing, emphasizing its effectiveness in grounding oneself and reducing anxiety.
  • The importance of returning your focus to the breath when the mind starts to wander is highlighted.

Segment 2: The Five-Minute Brain Dump

  • Nichole delves into the second strategy, the Five-Minute Brain Dump.
  • She describes the process of taking five minutes each day to jot down all the thoughts cluttering the mind, including worries and to-do lists.
  • Nichole emphasizes that this practice helps externalize thoughts and clear mental clutter.

Segment 3: The 3-2-1 Technique

  • Strategy three, the 3-2-1 Technique, is introduced.
  • Nichole explains the three questions to ask oneself when caught in overthinking: What's the worst that can happen? What's the best that can happen? What's the most likely outcome?
  • The value of gaining perspective through these questions and preventing the endless loop of overthinking is discussed.

Segment 4: Set a Decision Timer

  • Nichole presents the final strategy, Set a Decision Timer.
  • She elaborates on the concept of giving yourself a specific time limit to make a decision, depending on its complexity.
  • The importance of committing to a decision when the timer goes off is emphasized to avoid prolonged analysis.


  • Nichole wraps up the episode by summarizing the four strategies to combat overthinking.
  • She encourages listeners to implement these strategies in their daily lives for better mental clarity.
  • Nichole expresses gratitude for the audience's support and invites them to subscribe, share, and leave reviews.


  • Information on where to find show notes and connect with Nichole is provided.
  • Nichole signs off with a positive message, reminding listeners to strive to be the best version of themselves.