Interview with Mark Ohlmann of Food Safety Innovation

Cleaning Processes with Jerry

Oct 4 2023 • 30 mins

In this episode of Clean Processes with Jerry, Jerry introduces his special guest, Mark Ohlman. Jerry and Mark discuss their online interactions and the value of learning from differing perspectives.

A food safety expert with extensive experience is valuable in the food service industry. They possess a deep understanding of the various aspects of food safety, including regulations, best practices, and problem-solving techniques. This expertise is gained through years of hands-on experience in different roles within the industry.

One such expert is Mark Ohlman, the founder of Food Safety Innovation. With over 40 years of experience in food service, Mark has worked in various positions, ranging from bussing tables and washing dishes to being a health inspector and director of food safety for companies. His diverse background has given him a comprehensive understanding of the industry and its challenges.

Mark's passion for food safety is evident in his dedication to helping others. He believes in connecting with people and using empathy to solve problems. Having been in the shoes of different roles within the food service industry, Mark understands the challenges and frustrations that professionals face. By approaching problem-solving with empathy, he can offer practical solutions that save time and make processes more efficient.

Mark's experience as a total quality manager for Darden, a renowned food service company, further highlights his expertise. In this role, he oversaw food safety and quality for multiple states and brands. Any issues related to food safety, such as pest control, health department compliance, and foodborne illnesses, fell under his purview. This experience allowed him to develop a deep understanding of the complexities involved in maintaining food safety standards across a large organization.

Mark's knowledge and expertise make him a valuable resource for businesses in the food service industry. His company, Food Safety Innovation, leverages his lifetime of experience to provide guidance and solutions to food service professionals. By understanding each business's unique challenges, Mark can tailor his advice and recommendations to ensure compliance with regulations and best practices.

In conclusion, a food safety expert with extensive experience, such as Mark, brings knowledge and problem-solving skills to the table. Their understanding of regulations, best practices, and industry challenges allows them to provide valuable guidance and support to businesses in the food service industry. With their expertise, companies can ensure their products' safety and quality while improving efficiency and compliance.

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