Crafting worlds: Matthew Arnold talks Eden and its move from digital to Dark Horse

AIPT Comics

Aug 14 2022 • 1 hr 26 mins

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Our Top Books of the Week


  1. A.X.E.: Judgment Day #2 (Kieron Gillen, Valerio Schiti)
  2. Predator #1 (Ed Brisson, Kev Walker)


  1. Love Everlasting #1 (Tom King, Elsa Charretier)
  2. I Am Batman #12 (John Ridley, Christian Duce)

Standout KAPOW moment of the week:

Nathan - DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #1 (Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine)

Dave - Ghost Rider: Vengeance Forever #1 (Benjamin Percy, Juan Jose Ryp)


  • Dave: Batman: One Bad Day - The Riddler #1 (Tom King, Mitch Gerads)
  • Nathan: Barbaric: Axe to Grind #1 (Michael Moreci, Nathan Gooden)


Interview: Matthew Arnold about Eden - in print from Dark Horse Books  August 30

  1. Thanks for being on the AIPT Comics podcast, to start, Eden is a sci-fi story about prisons, but what is the elevator pitch?
  2. Many know you for your TV work with Emerald City and Siberia, what is your relationship to comics? Do you have any favorite series as a kid?
  3. Coming from TV, what were some surprises when writing for comics, what came easy?
  4. Eden is set in a world that feels familiar, but advanced. There’s a lot of political unrest. Did you have this future mapped out or have a world Bible?
  5. Eden is a story that seems to have new twists and turns at every corner, were you in competition with yourself to shock the reader at every turn?
  6. What made artist Riccardo Burchielli right for this project?
  7. Was there a panel or page that blew you away that you didn’t expect?
  8. As your debut graphic novel, what did you learn about the medium you didn’t know before? Is there anything you would do differently with your next comics project?
  9. If Eden was greenlit for TV (or a movie), which studio should produce it?
  10. Any other projects you’d like to plug today?