LeadersOfValor (LOV)| Be Grateful for ALL We Have | 11.16.23

Leaders of Valor (LOV) ~ Leadership Done The KING’s Way!

Nov 16 2023 • 34 mins

We are BLESSED! Be Grateful for All That We Have! Good day LOV, Next week, we come together as a people to give thanks for our blessings. While we often consider the tangible and financial things in life that we've been allowed to attain as the most important blessings we have, we are blessed with so much more than that. If you are able to read this or watch this video, you are blessed. If you can hear what is being said, your ears are working as designed - blessed. If you had clean running water this morning and toothpaste to use - blessed (and we are also blessed because of that blessing to you 😄). If you have breath in your lungs and it isn't being pumped into your body with the use of a machine - blessed. If your family is safe and everyone who left your home yesterday returned without harm - blessed. We have so many around us whom God has gifted us with - family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. If those individuals have helped you along the way, be thankful for those blessings and let them know just how much you appreciate their presence in your life. Don't take these often overlooked and undervalued blessings for granted. There are many who wish they could have access to what we have. Be grateful EVERY DAY for the EVERYDAY blessings we are gifted. When we are tempted to get upset because things aren't going the way we should or we didnt get everythingwe thiught we deserved, let's agree to take a deep breath in and out and remember just how blessed we are! Remember, strive to live for purpose, in purpose, on purpose, and with purpose. Be blessed. #LeadersOfValor www.trimaniconsulting.com