How to start the year strong and have the best January ever.

Subscription Box Answers

Jan 1 2024 • 15 mins

Ever wondered how to keep your subscription box business booming when post-holiday belt-tightening hits your customers? That's exactly what I am covering today, with lessons I have learned from my own BusterBox journey.

Discover how offering payment flexibility and a pause option can dramatically reduce churn, and why a strong saves process is paramount. And don't let passive churn from failed payments sneak up on you; we're sharing how to keep those subscription renewals smooth and steady.

I also explain how 'Add the Box' is a great way to grow revenue in January (your existing subscribers will buy more products from you) and am teasing the details of my 'Subscription Box Cash Machine' workshop (it will be coming soon). January can be a great month for customer acquisition as CPM prices will drop and there are still buyers.

In this episode, I cover how to take advantage of that. If you have a question you want answered on the show, make sure you head over to the free Facebook group at and post it there.