The Most Effective Way To Win Chargebacks: Shieldify's CEO Reveals AI Strategies for Subscription Box Success

Subscription Box Answers

Apr 22 2024 • 17 mins

Do you need help winning more chargebacks? If so, you won't want to miss this episode of Subscription Box Answers! Join me as I sit down with Michael Zavet, CEO of Shieldify, to delve into how their AI-powered solution is revolutionizing the way businesses tackle chargebacks. Shieldify not only protects businesses from unwarranted chargebacks but also boosts their success rate in winning disputes.

There's nothing more frustrating than friendly fraud, where customers exploit loopholes to essentially steal products and then charge the company back. Although only a small number of people engage in this, it's crucial to have measures in place to protect your business, as the costs and time needed to investigate and contest each chargeback can quickly accumulate. Thankfully, Shieldify simplifies this process, potentially saving your business both time and money. We started using Shieldify a few months ago following a recommendation, and the results have been very impressive. They're helping us win more chargebacks, which is saving us money and time.

In this episode, we'll dive deep into the topic of chargebacks, and Michael will share some valuable tips on how to increase your win rate. You can learn more about Shieldify at If you have any questions you want answered on the show, head over to, join our free Facebook group, and post them there.