Building Culture Through Human Connection

Culture Crush Business Podcast

Feb 2 2023 • 1 hr 3 mins

Building Culture Through Human Connection

Do you ever feel like you are moving through the motions at work and not really connecting with the people there? You want to know them more and truly connect but you aren’t. Do you ever feel this same way when you are at a networking event? As if it is a competition for how many names and business cards you can share?

This is because you are not finding the real connection with people.

True human connection and communication is what really builds culture and relationships.  True connection with others helps good leaders to become the best leaders. We discussed this with Craig Forman with CultureAmp and Bobi Seredich with Southwest Institute for Emotional Intelligence on this episode of the Culture Crush Business Podcast.

When we reflect on this podcast, we have so many topics that were discussed.

  • Self awareness
  • Military culture and influence
  • Emotional intelligence for the workplace
  • Ways to inspire people through culture
  • Having the courage to be vulnerable
  • The fitbit affect with culture
  • Leveraging data to grow culture
  • Stop, Breath, Ask

If you are curious about these topics then you will have to listen to the podcast to hear more from Bobi and Craig about them.

In the meantime, we do have a few other quick takeaways from the podcast about shifting your attitude and actions.

  • Intent versus impact: We all have good intentions but others judge us by our actions. When you are forming a relationship or bond with someone, be curious instead of judgemental. Love human beings, not human doings. Let’s try to be more intentional.
  • Transformational versus transactional: Let’s try to be less transactional and more transformational. When it comes to connections and relationships, it does not need to be a tit for tat game. If we come at relationships with the want and need to help support and transform, then the relationship has the opportunity to build in a more unique way.

About Craig

Craig is on the mission to help the world work better by improving the places we work. He is obsessed with how humans work, both individually and together in groups. He is striving to improve the workplace through his work with Culture Amp and beyond.

Craig Forman is a Lead People Scientist at Culture Amp, an employee experience platform used by over 6000 organizations worldwide. He both supports organizations in building effective people and culture strategies along with building the world's largest community of people focused on building a better world of work. Behind all of his work is a mission to help the world work better by improving the places we work.

He holds a Masters degree in Industrial / Organizational Psychology, and is a proud veteran of the US Air Force.


Culture Amp is a culture-first software company that is building a survey and

analytics platform for people and culture. The Culture Amp team combines deep knowledge in psychology, statistics, user experience and engineering into a platform that is transforming organizations worldwide.

You can connect with Craig on LinkedIn

About Bobi

Bobi is the Co-Founder & President of The Southwest Institute for Emotional

Intelligence. She is a certified coach and trainer in Emotional Intelligence from the Institute for Health and Human Potential. She is a recognized speaker, author, trainer, and successful entrepreneur specializing in leadership development. Her passion is to guide individuals and organizations to a higher performance level through her own business knowledge, inspirational stories and leadership emotional intelligence training. She has spent over 25 years of her career dedicated to creating, directing, writing and presenting leadership programs for top companies in the U.S. and around the world.

In 2001 she founded Equanimity, Inc. also known as EQ Speakers, a speakers bureau, and leadership training company. It fast became a top speaker bureau that booked hundreds of speakers with large Fortune 500 clients. EQ Speakers was sold in 2012 and continues to be a leader in the industry.

Her book, Courage Does Not Always Roar Ordinary Women with Extraordinary Courage, was published by Simple Truths in the spring of 2010. The book is a collection of her experiences and stories of women who have had the courage to overcome very difficult life events. She is a mother of twins, Alex and Gia.

The Southwest Institute for Emotional Intelligence

The vision at the Southwest Institute for Emotional Intelligence is to enhance life and leadership through Emotional Intelligence (EI) mastery. They have a proven approach to teaching EI skills that are immediately applied to business growth. They teach influencers and leaders to connect confidently with each other in more meaningful and productive ways – to better collaborate, communicate, express empathy, perform under stress, adapt to change, and drive results. The Southwest Institute for Emotional Intelligence offers keynotes, workshops, online courses, coaching, and consulting.

You can connect with Bobi and SWIEI through





About Culture Crush Business

Culture is not just a tag word to be thrown around. It is not something you throw in job descriptions to draw people to applying for jobs within a company.

According to Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall in their book Nine Lies About Work, “Culture is the tenants of how we behave. It’s like a family creed. This is how we operate and treat each other in the family.”

As a growing company:

Culture Crush Business is THE culture improvement resource that supports companies and leaders. Our Mission is to improve company cultures so people WANT to go to work. Employees and leaders should like where they work and we think this is possible.

Within the company: Culture Crush has Vetted Resources and Partnerships with the right people and companies that can help improve your company culture.

On this Podcast:

We focus on everything surrounding businesses with good company culture. We will talk with company leaders to learn about real-life experiences, tips, and best practices for creating a healthy work environment where employees are finding joy and satisfaction in their work while also striving and growing within the company.  We also find the companies that offer resources to help improve company culture and showcase them on the show to share their tips and tricks for growing culture.

About the Host:

Kindra Maples  is spartan racer, past animal trainer, previous magician’s assistant, and has a weakness for Oreo cookie shakes. Her journey working with people actually started working with animals as a teenager (don’t worry we won’t go that far back for her bio).

She worked for over 15 years in the zoo industry working with animals and the public. Her passion for working with animals shifted into working with people in education, operations and leadership roles. From there her passion for leadership and helping people develop has continued to grow.

Then came the opportunity to lead the Culture Crush Business Podcast and she jumped on it. Leadership, growth, and strong company cultures are all areas that Kindra is interested in diving into further.
