Things That Suck In Real Estate | Tiffany & Ashlee


Sep 27 2023 • 45 mins

It’s not all bad… but it’s not all great either! If you know, you know. In this episode, Tiffany and Ashlee are here to talk about all of the things that SUCK about being an agent and how to overcome some of those issues (or hopefully just make them suck a little less). Listen in for the relatability, stay for the solutions!

Being Available 24/7

  • There’s a lot of pressure to be present for clients all the time. Your schedule depends on other people’s availability, so it’s easy to bulldoze your own boundaries.

  • If you have a family or other obligations, it’s hard to make time for YOU! Self-care and rest end up getting totally forgotten.

  • To combat this, Ashlee sets up expectations with her clients. She lets them know when she’s available and when she isn’t.

Clients That Don’t Listen/Deals That Fall Apart

  • As an expert, you come in with a lot of knowledge and have advice to offer. When your clients don’t accept your advice, you’re not set up for success!

  • Look for the root of the issue your client has with your advice. Emotions always play a role in these big decisions.

  • Bring in experts to help you solve client problems.

Being Commission-Based

  • Bringing money in can be really inconsistent. Even when you don’t have income, you’re still going to have expenses AND you have to pay taxes!

  • Tiffany recommends going into the industry preparing to make NOTHING the first year.

  • Business can be really busy or not busy at all. If you’re not busy, spend time educating yourself, practicing your craft, and investing in systems.

Bad Houses that Fail Inspections

  • Be prepared for big emotions when your client is looking at a house that fails an inspection! Frustration, fear, etc. are common things for them (and you) to feel.

  • Do your inspections early enough that you and your clients have time to process the information and make decisions after the initial emotions pass. Tiffany recommends a 24-hour waiting period.

  • Work with your home inspector to figure out next steps. They can tell you whether the things they discover are worth panicking over.

“You can do everything in your power to make something have a certain outcome, and sometimes you’re not the only one that is controlling that outcome.” – Tiffany Klusacek

“Having a solution will help delete the ‘suck’.” – Ashlee Jankovich


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Show Credits:

Our Executive Producers and Hosts are  Ashlee Jankovich and Tiffany Klusacek. The Realestable podcast is produced by TSE Studios. Music provided by SoundStripe.