Mailbox Money: How to Build a Lucrative Referral Network


Sep 13 2023 • 44 mins

Who doesn’t want to make some passive income? Mailbox money can be easy to make, but only if you do it right. In today’s episode of Realestatable, Ashlee and Tiffany talk about the value you can gain from building a robust referral network. Learn how to make meaningful connections with other agents, create a system that boosts your SOI, and support your clients as they continue their homeownership journey.

Attend National/Regional Conferences

  • Don’t be afraid to branch out. Even if you go to a conference with a group of people you know, focus on networking with people from all over the country.

  • Make lasting connections. Bring your business cards and connect with people on social media to maintain relationships.

  • Following up is crucial! Set up a system for yourself so your new contacts remember you and you remember them.

Check Out Local Events

  • Some agents only want to work in a small region. Get to know people whose radius doesn’t overlap with yours.

  • At smaller events, you’re more likely to really get to know people and have working relationships in the long term.

Making Passive Income

  • Don’t be afraid to reach out to your previous clients. You never know who is getting ready to sell!

  • When you forward previous clients to another agent, set that agent up for success by telling them what that client loved about you.

  • Vet the agent you’re planning to refer clients to. Stalk their social media to see how committed they are to real estate!

“When you think about it, mailbox money is easy money. It is so easy for the return to be worth it.” – Tiffany Klusacek

"I’ve had one time where I did not pick the best referral person for my client and it still haunts me.” – Ashlee Jankovich


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Show Credits:

Our Executive Producers and Hosts are  Ashlee Jankovich and Tiffany Klusacek. The Realestable podcast is produced by TSE Studios. Music provided by SoundStripe.