Rebranding Yourself and Your Company - 4 Tips for Starting a New Career Post Retirement at 60 and above_Episode 8, Season 2_Joanne Z. Tan_10 Plus Brand


Feb 10 2024 • 10 mins

The four steps here are a self-guide for rebranding “retired” executives seeking to start a business or reinvent themselves:

- Is growing a business, or starting a new career the right thing for you?

- To what extent do you want to work during retirement?

- What does “success” or “failure” mean to you?

- Where to start?

If you are one of the gray-haired but young-at-heart, before you jump in with both feet into a new business, it is important to go through these steps first.

Rebranding your new company starts with rebranding yourself.  Our 10 years of helping business and personal brands decode brand DNA with deep diving and heavy lifting proves this point: only upon a solid foundation can a brand - business or personal - be positioned, built, and thrive.

And it all starts with decoding the founder and CEO’s own personal brand, that will lead to the success of your new business brand.

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© Joanne Z. Tan   All rights reserved.


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(About 10 Plus Brand: In addition to the “whole 10 yards” of brand building, digital marketing, and content creation for business and personal brands. To contact us: 1-888-288-4533.)

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