73. Email Authentication - What does it all mean?

Effortless Online Systems

Jan 22 2024 • 31 mins

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Big changes are on the horizon for email marketing, and you don't want to be caught off guard.

We're diving into the upcoming updates from Google and Yahoo that will shake up the email marketing world from February 1st, 2023. It's not just about staying out of spam folders; it's about making sure your emails land where they belong - in your subscribers' inboxes!

In this episode, we'll talk about:

  • Who is impact by the changes and why NOW is the time to tidy your digital house.
  • SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records - the essential ingredients for email authentication.
  • Find out why regularly cleaning your email list is the key to engaged subscribers who convert.

If email marketing is part of your business strategy, you won't want to miss this episode!

If this all feels way over your head and you're like, it is a foreign language. We've got you covered. We've set up a done for you service through The Virtual Chapter to get you authenticated. If that is something of interest to you, head over to https://thevirtualchapter.co/email, and we can help you with the setup.

Are you ready to hire a team member in 2024? Book a discovery call and let's discuss how we can support your business growth.

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