Feeling Blah Right Now? You're Not Alone đź« 


Jan 18 2024 • 18 mins

If you're dealing with the blahs, where you're just generally feeling a little down, maybe fatigued, maybe more annoyed than normal? If so - you're not alone.

January is a tough month. And if it's getting to you, today's episode is for you.

We're going over 3 considerations when it comes to this blah crap. NOT to deny it, but to acknowledge it and then move forward when we're ready.

Today we're covering:

  • the concept of "happy when"
  • carb cravings this time of year
  • why you want to pair tryptophan with carbs for a better mood
  • easy routes into movement
  • connection with someone going through something similar
  • today's feelgood thing

The Key Moments in this episode are:

00:00:40 -  Sam's rainy day

00:02:25 - seasonal affective disorder in full swing  and low motivation

00:03:45 -3 things to consider

00:05:00- consideration 1 - contentment

00:08:35 - consideration 2 -  carbs

00:11:05- consideration 3 - the 3 Ms

00:15:35 - today's feelgood thing

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