The Role of Genetics in Horse Temperament and Behavior

Genetics Unbridled - Horse DNA & Technology Powered by Etalon Equine Genetics

Dec 19 2023 • 17 mins

Join us to discuss the genetics behind temperament testing with Dr. Samantha Brooks, an esteemed associate professor at the University of Florida. This genetic discussion centers on the DRD4 gene region, a crucial piece in the complex picture of horse temperament. Dr. Brooks explains how DNA and life experiences combined can impact a horse's behavior. We begin our exploration with a study from Japan, offering insights that could dramatically impact horse management and selection practices across breeds.

The episode doesn't stop at theoretical knowledge; it continues into the practical arena of genetic testing and its role in the equine industry. Imagine selecting a horse with a temperament that complements your own, foreseeing its potential health trajectory, and gauging its suitability for various disciplines—all through the lens of genetics. Dr. Brooks shares riveting stories and real-world implications of these genetic profiles, demonstrating how they can influence a horse's behavior and performance. As we wrap up, anticipation builds for a second part to this episode where we focus on ancestry testing—a transformative tool that promises to shed light on personalized and informed horse ownership and training. Join us for this eye-opening conversation that will not only educate but also change the way we interact with and understand our hoofed partners.