More Than Anxiety

Megan Devito

Welcome to the More Than Anxiety Podcast. I’m Megan Devito, and I’m a life coach for high achievers. I help people with big dreams and big anxiety, learn to calm their bodies so they can think clearly, make brave choices, and do big things.

You’re going to get so much information about stress and anxiety here, but it doesn’t stop there.

Anxiety worms its way into the nooks and crannies of your life so let’s talk about all of it! Not just the typical stuff.

Let’s talk about work, connecting with your kids, your partner, or reconnecting with your friends. Let's talk about the world, food, sleep, sex, vacations…because when you’re anxious, anxiety will be a part of all of your decisions, in every area of your life.

As someone who lived with overwhelming anxiety for nearly 30 years, I know how it feels to be trapped in the cycle of fear - constantly overthinking everything with your body backing up all those scary thoughts with uncomfortable and sometimes terrifying symptoms. I know what it is like to feel stuck,  and hopeless, and to frantically try all the things to fight off how you feel.

That’s in the past for me now and it can be for you too.

Here’s how I know.

Today…I’m on the other side… I’m living a life that I never thought was possible. I’ve gone from insane health anxiety, complete with anxiety and panic attacks, compulsive thoughts and checking, to helping people just like you and me, break free from the cycle of anxiousness.  Here, I’m sharing powerful true stories of anxiety and recovery, the skills I use myself every day and that teach my clients that will challenge and inspire you to take action and create the life you’ve been dying to live, and so much more.

And, at the end of each episode, you’ll be one step closer to knowing you are completely normal,  you are safe, and you totally have what it takes to live life without anxiety calling the shots for you - all this with some humor and major A-Ha moments mixed in.

You won’t want to miss a thing so be sure to subscribe and if you like what you hear, leave a five-star review so others can find this podcast and get the help and support they want and need too. Thanks for listening.

Listen to a new episode every Tuesday morning at 5:00 am EST.

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Ep 89 - Growing Yourself And Your Business When You're Anxious
May 21 2024
Ep 89 - Growing Yourself And Your Business When You're Anxious
Join me in Episode 89 as I talk about how you're sabotaging your career, your growth, and giving up on your dreams when you let anxiety make your decisions for you. I'm sharing how you can use the feeling of anxiety in your body to check and challenge your thoughts, find evidence that you're already succeeding, and take steps forward even and especially when you feel anxious - on purpose.You want to grow and expand - to get the promotion, to build your business, to have time for more fun but it feels scary.You see all the roadblocks that you think are too bigYou have great ideas on what you want but they feel impossible because of where you are now - you brain only has the past to go on and what you’re living in now was built on the past.You feel anxious when you think about trying new thingsSpending money that you haven’t made yetAsking for what you want because you’re afraid of what someone else will say or think about you for asking.You keep doing side projects that feel productive but when it comes to promoting yourself, you hold back. You work but you don’t make changes because they make you feel anxious - again based on what you think you’re capable of or what other people will think of you.You have to learn to feel anxious and not believe what you think. You have to learn to choose the things that feel uncomfortable and believe in yourself before anyone else will believe in you - even if you have the cutest cupcakes on the planet - yes, you’ll sell some but you won’t grow and eventually you’ll fade away only because you aren’t truly believing in yourself.Learn how to calm your body and stop thinking.Decide what you want to believe about yourself and start gathering evidence to show you that you already have it.Make a first step plan that makes you uncomfortable and take the step - even and especially if it scares you.Repeat.You use your problems and anxiety as a notification and motivation instead of rolling around in feeling defeated, angry, or small - which are okay to feel but not a place you want to or can stay in for long if you truly want to grow and expand personally or in your career.Help others find this resource so they can calm, confident, and have more fun by leaving a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review wherever you listen. Find me on Instagram Find me on FacebookSchedule your consultation and let's talk coaching! Thanks for listening!
Ep 75 - Letting Go Of Negative Thoughts So You Can Be Your Authentic Self
Feb 13 2024
Ep 75 - Letting Go Of Negative Thoughts So You Can Be Your Authentic Self
Last week I finally had some new pictures taken to use on my website and in my social media posts. I had been wanting to do this for a long time but always found an excuse not to get the pictures done.  I'm so glad I went but let me tell you, I was nervous!I did the full spectrum of anxious thinking.I overthought what to wear and how to be, shopping, Googling and changing clothes for hours.I kept wondering what I looked like or what other people would think.I criticized myself because I don't look 17 anymore and pictured my face looking like Quasimodo.And made myself more awkward by shaming myself for not knowing how to pose or where the heck to put my arms.All of that worrying and I love my new photos and had so much fun!In this episode, I'm showing how jumping into something as simple as a photo shoot can bring up all the anxious feelings and reactions, have you repeating  negative things you say or think about yourself, and how you can let go and HAVE  FUN, even when you feel awkward and uncomfortable. And, when you pay attention to how you handle the little things that make you feel anxious, you have a better handle on how to deal with the bigger situations that cause bigger anxiety because you handle them the same way. To connect with Derek to learn more about personal branding, brand photos, marketing, and social media, CLICK HERE.Help others find this resource so they can calm, confident, and have more fun by leaving a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review wherever you listen. Find me on Instagram Find me on FacebookSchedule your consultation and let's talk coaching! Thanks for listening!