Health and Healing Dealing with Trauma and Addictions

Michael D.

Hello, welcome to the podcast of health and healing in the areas of addiction and abuse, with Michael. My passion and interest started with becoming aware that many of us have childhood traumas that we carry into our adult lives, but we didn't have them addressed or never acknowledged that we had an addiction or a mental illness. Some of the abuses, we suffered were slight or verbal that we just wrote off, other abuses were kept in secret for many years. Now we want to expose those lie-based beliefs, through tools and partnering with the Holy Spirit to help us heal those traumas and Illnesses to become whole. Hurt people hurt people, so we must seek ways to heal so that we can assist others in their healing processes. Disclaimer: * I am not a doctor or professional therapist. However, I am licensed and an ordained Minister, who's interest was piqued as it related to my personal journey and struggles with addictions and abuses that found their way into every aspect of my life unknowingly. God knows I'm a work in progress. Come along as we heal together.

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People with Attachment Anxiety are more likely to Create False Memories When They Can See the Person Talking.
May 27 2024
People with Attachment Anxiety are more likely to Create False Memories When They Can See the Person Talking.
The Four Adult Attachment Styles may help: This may come as a surprise to some because much as we like to think we’re all in a ‘secure attachment style’ we’re not! It’s human nature to seek contact and relationships, to seek love, support, and comfort in and from others. This is our make-up in the likeness and image of God. While far too many are proclaiming: what they don’t need these days, they are missing a key element in friendships and relationships. It is a fact according to social psychologist the ‘need to belong’ is one of the main forces that drives individuals. Unfortunately, this new era has driven individuals apart instead of together. Highly attachment-anxious people often believe they are not worthy of love and care, they worry intensely that other people will reject them, and they spend a lot of time overanalyzing their relationships. Especially, when they experienced false memories from those they can see.  Remember Attachment Styles are different from love styles. How We Love helps us understand our history and expectations in relationships, and how to become a Secure Connector. By knowing your Love Style gives you a starting point from which you can grow to become a Secure Connector.  Anxiety can trigger depression and other behavioral physical and mental health issues. It is especially hard if you are dealing with other personal, work, relationship, or family-related issues. It is okay to ask for help.
Blackout Drunk: Signs, Causes & Dangers of Blackout Drinking
May 21 2024
Blackout Drunk: Signs, Causes & Dangers of Blackout Drinking
As the nation's primary source of national data on substance use, NSDUH findings are often featured in the news media. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) issues news releases throughout the year detailing various findings from the NSDUH. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) provides nationally representative data on the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs; substance use disorders; mental health issues; and receipt of substance use and mental health treatment among the civilian, noninstitutionalized population aged 12 or older in the United States. A collection of underlining substance use and mental health for particular populations in the United States are broken down by age group, and for selected sub-populations. Certain groups I didn’t touch on: female population, LGB, Multiracial, and veterans.  American Indian and Alaska Native Population.Asian Population.Black or African American Population.Female Population.Hispanic or Latino Population.Lesbian, Gay, or Bisexual (LGB) Adult Population.Multiracial Population.Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Population.Veteran Population I am safe, I am loved, I am well, and I am healed! From what? My addiction - if He is for me, who can be against me! If you are with me, and if no one knows me, your heart oh Lord adores me. It’s nothing but the blood of Jesus!”  No more addiction!  Anxiety can trigger depression and other behavioral physical and mental health issues. It is especially hard if you are dealing with other personal, work, relationship, or family-related issues. It is okay to ask for help.
Sexual Abuse is Traumatizing
Apr 26 2024
Sexual Abuse is Traumatizing
What’s the difference between sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment and rape? The increased public conversation surrounding sexual assault, harassment, sexual violence and abuse is an important step forward. It’s helping lead a national and global movement that aims to address this prevalent problem, also letting people who have experienced sexual assault know they aren’t alone. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men approximately experience sexual violence in their lifetime.Rape is a type of sexual assault that includes sexual penetration, no matter how slight, without consent. Although other types of sexual assault may be done by men or women, rape is almost always done by men. Most women who are raped are raped by someone they know, such as a former or current intimate partner, an acquaintance, or a family member. Rape is never the victim's fault! Report it, report it, report it –please report it! Therapy can often effectively address the trauma of sexual abuse. You can learn how to identify and understand emotions, restore your confidence, process your memories, develop coping skills, and stress-management strategies by speaking about your experience.  Healing and becoming whole again is the goal. By all means call 911 immediately, or The National sexual assault hot-line 1-800-656- (hope), -4673.   Anxiety can trigger depression and other behavioral physical and mental health issues. It is especially hard if you are dealing with other personal, work, relationship, or family-related issues. It is okay to ask for help.
10 Habits of Highly Sensitive Children
Apr 19 2024
10 Habits of Highly Sensitive Children
Highly sensitive children have special gifts, as well as unique challenges.  Children do not “become” highly sensitive, and there is not much we can do to help our children be less sensitive (other than tactics that would flatten their authenticity and create shame). They experience emotional extremes; they have bigger reactions to sensory input, they are more prone to meltdowns, they are keenly tuned in to everyone and everything, they have a more intense need for control and can be rigid and inflexible, they are more fearful and cautious in new situations, they tend to have a lower tolerance for frustration, they are prone to perfectionism and have a very hard time losing, they have a hard time tolerating being corrected and they are more self-conscious and easily slighted. 15-20% of the population are born with the “highly sensitive” personality trait that comes with both amazing gifts and challenges; and it is truly dependent on the amount of support and acceptance that one receives whether a highly sensitive person will thrive or experience great difficulty. For those families that think their child might be highly sensitive, it is important that they become educated on the temperament of highly sensitive kids and shift your parenting strategies accordingly. I did!  Anxiety can trigger depression and other behavioral physical and mental health issues. It is especially hard if you are dealing with other personal, work, relationship, or family-related issues. It is okay to ask for help.
What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? By Fredrick Douglas Part (2)
Feb 9 2024
What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? By Fredrick Douglas Part (2)
America’s Independence Day should be celebrated, but should people of color celebrate when it’s factual that they were not included as a free or independent people? Mr. Douglas didn’t think so. Today many refuse to celebrate, because of the negative slap in the face political and grand standing of white America even in religion. Many say ‘well that was so long ago’, how about listening to today’s political leaders and compare this letter that was eloquently spoken of in those times. In 2020 it was “make America great again!” as is in 2024 – But still yet, one candidate claims “America has never been racist”, while yet another claims, “the country is not racist” you can judge for yourself.  We see the 'present and the internal salve trade' in operation these days, which you can clearly hear. It may not be as blatant as it was in the past, but the spirit of the 'Independance of this America is live and operating. Sure, there have been great strides in the country, however, did you realize that a lot of the laws enacted then 17-1800 are still on the books and many still being utilized? Yes, a great country, why then are so many wishing to return to the so-called glory days?    Anxiety can trigger depression and other behavioral physical and mental health issues. It is especially hard if you are dealing with other personal, work, relationship, or family-related issues. It is okay to ask for help.
What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? By Fredrick Douglas (3) Part Series
Feb 7 2024
What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? By Fredrick Douglas (3) Part Series
Many African Americans in the United States have been impacted by structural racism since slavery and continue to experience trauma because of health disparities, economic disadvantages, and segregation. Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome (PTSS) explains why many African Americans continue to experience trauma. PTSS is a condition that exists as a consequence of multigenerational oppression of African and their descendants resulting from centuries of chattel slavery. Looking at history and the inherent long-standing trauma that has and continue to plague African Americans can assist in addressing systemic racism and provide an opportunity to look at holistic restoration. Fredrick Douglas addressing the then President of the United States and what he referred to as his friends and fellow citizens, about the celebration of the 4th of July in the year of 1852. America’s Independence Day should be celebrated, but should people of color celebrate when it’s factual that they were not included as a free or independent people? Mr. Douglas didn’t think so. Today many refuses to celebrate, because of the negative slap in the face political and grandstanding of white America even in religion. Many say, ‘well that was so long ago’, how about listening to today’s political leaders and compare this letter that was eloquently spoken of in those times. In 2020 it was “make America great again!” as is in 2024 – But still yet, one candidate claims “America has never been racist”, while yet another claims, “the country is not racist” you can judge for yourself.  They'll claim it's divided, but racist? Sure, there have been great strides in the country, however, did you realize that a lot of the laws enacted then 17-1800 are still on the books and many still being utilized? Yes, a great country, why then are so many wishing to return to the so-called glory days?   Anxiety can trigger depression and other behavioral physical and mental health issues. It is especially hard if you are dealing with other personal, work, relationship, or family-related issues. It is okay to ask for help.
If a Christian commits suicide, will they go to heaven, is suicide sin?
Dec 20 2023
If a Christian commits suicide, will they go to heaven, is suicide sin?
Many people who struggle with suicidal thoughts feel like they are alone. You would be surprised by how much the Bible talks about suicide. There are several helpful examples of those who took their life and many reminders of hope throughout Scripture. Even though these stories from the Bible are of people overwhelmed by fear, guilt, heartache, illness, pride, disillusionment, deception, and hopelessness, nowhere in God's Word does it indicate that suicide is an unforgivable sin for believers. The Bible is very clear in that the only sin which cannot be forgiven is refusal to believe in Jesus Christ, to include the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Can a sinner have hope of eternal salvation?Apart from rejecting God's provision for salvation through the sacrificial death of Jesus, suicide is the worst thing an unbeliever can do. This is so because there is no second chance for salvation after one's death.  In the Book of Hebrews, we read:  ". . . it is appointed for men to die once, and after this comes judgment" (Hebrews 9:27-28).  And as it is appointed for men to die one time, after this the judgment.  So, Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for a redeemed people offered salvation.   Our thoughts and prayers are with thee. Suicide line: 1.800.273.8255 Anxiety can trigger depression and other behavioral physical and mental health issues. It is especially hard if you are dealing with other personal, work, relationship, or family-related issues. It is okay to ask for help.
How much time do you want to progress?
Oct 25 2023
How much time do you want to progress?
How much time do you want to progress? Let’s talk about race baby, let’s talk about you and me, let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that can be:  The concept of race and identity are relatively new concepts to mankind and connected indelibly to the problems of racism in America. Have things gotten better for people of color, are these concepts harming the people of non-color? As each group strive for progress in life, liberty and the pursuit of equality, is it fleeting? How come one group says they're being threatened by equality and others are claiming they're just a threat to others. Discover when racism appeared and how it managed to infect the minds of millions of Americans. Find out how racism shaped societies since the 18th century and how it changed to become more heinous today than ever before. Learn how people of color are slaves to the white supremacist society, ideological systems, dealing with law enforcement, and political figures even now in the 21st century. Let us not shy away from the discussion of colorism, racism and bigotrism. Sure, many dislike these words, discussions and views; the question still remains: ‘How much time do you want for your progress?’  It’s traumatic, yet, progressive!  Many are stuck in the trauma if history and will not be held accountable for their ancestors' ways and knowledge. Yet benefit from the wealth of those that labored sunup to sundown for their slave masters, while they're descendants suffer and struggle. Great stives have been made, no doubt. Yet, in this current climate, it hasn't changed much.  It's about time for equality and a candid discussion don't you think?  Anxiety can trigger depression and other behavioral physical and mental health issues. It is especially hard if you are dealing with other personal, work, relationship, or family-related issues. It is okay to ask for help.
Trauma can lead to addictions.
Sep 11 2023
Trauma can lead to addictions.
Our understanding of trauma and its effects on people is clearer than it was just a few years ago. One key thing we’ve learned, trauma is much more common than we once thought. For example, many people with unresolved trauma will turn to drugs or alcohol to numb themselves to it—and they get addicted in the process. Many other addictions follow, besides drugs and alcohol.  75 percent of the female patients we see report a traumatic event in their past. For our male patients, it’s around 50 percent. Those are astounding numbers! Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event such as an accident, natural disaster, emotional or physical abuse, extreme poverty, chronic social isolation, or war.  It’s a difficult combination to untangle, but we may be getting a handle on it.There’s power in numbers: Group therapy sessions can be quite helpful for allowing people to work through their trauma issues. People hear others’ stories, and they see similarities. They realize they aren’t alone in what they experienced. They feel validated that it was wrong and that it wasn’t their fault. It can be very impactful and liberating when a therapist or counselor helps them realize all that. But hearing it from someone who has experienced the same can be even more powerful.Let's heal together!  Anxiety can trigger depression and other behavioral physical and mental health issues. It is especially hard if you are dealing with other personal, work, relationship, or family-related issues. It is okay to ask for help.