Health, Healing & Holiness

Kristen Owens

Welcome to ”Health, Healing & Holiness” the podcast that takes a deep dive into the intersection of success, faith, and well-being for Kingdom entrepreneurs who aspire to keep Jesus first in their journey while building a strong healthy temple. Hosted by Kristen Owens, a Kingdom-minded entrepreneur and mom of 3 on a mission to bridge the gap between thriving in business and prioritizing health over hustle while keeping God at the center. In each episode, Kristen will share nutrition and health advice, insights, and interviews with other Kingdom experts to guide you on the path of aligning your business success with your spiritual and wellness values. Discover how to grow your Kingdom businesstry (business + ministry) without compromising your physical or mental health, and learn practical habits to build solid faith and wellness habits all while growing in the Lord. Are you struggling to strike a balance between achieving your goals and nurturing your well-being? Do you find yourself chasing or striving for your goals or money? Do you find yourself lacking energy, craving sugar and carbs and waking needing caffeine to get you moving? Would you like to age backwards & prevent chronic dis-ease while building solid foundations so you can Thrive in your life and business? Join me as we explore how daily holistic tools serve as the cornerstone for entrepreneurs seeking optimal health and healing. Its time to end the stress cycle and put solid foundations for optimal health in place. If you want a thriving business without burning out you have to start from the inside with ”The Health Trinity”- Spirit, Soul, Body. Let’s begin to redefine what success looks like and discover the joy of aligning your professional ambitions with a commitment to your health and faith so you can avoid burnout along the way. Subscribe to Health, Healing & Holiness today and embark on a transformative journey toward a life of purpose, prosperity, and legacy as we glorify God’s name. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


18. Breaking the Chronic Stress Cycle: How to Fuel Long-Term Health and Vitality
May 14 2024
18. Breaking the Chronic Stress Cycle: How to Fuel Long-Term Health and Vitality
In our fast-paced world, stress has become an all too common companion. What if managing stress isn't just about finding fleeting moments of calm, but about unlocking the key to true vitality? Today we dive into how stress impacts the body, how it shows up in some uncommon ways that most don’t realize because today stress is hidden in some not so obvious places.   We’ll talk today about how you can spot stress and become resistant to stress with simple habits to incorporate into your day.  You’ll understand how not living out your calling, allowing fear, doubt and worry to be forefront in your mind creates change in your physical cellular make up. Your body was designed to heal and its time to look at what you can do to turn on stress resilience, end the chronic stress cycle and fuel long-term stress.  The cycles we live in that have become normal and what our body knows as safe need to be broken and create a new way.  If you’re ready to feel amazing, gain untapped energy, and truly experience what vitality feels like, you want to stick around because this is a gem. 📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share what you love and you’re learning and join the conversation! Download my FREE 7 Day WHOLE HEALTH TRINITY Checklist below: DOWNLOAD 7 DAY CHECKLIST For one-on-one support email me: I love it when my listeners share on their socials and with others.  Please share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on our socials! Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! To show our gratitude, we’ll be featuring some of your reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!
17. The Mind Body Synergy: How physical Vitality is a result of the Mind & Body in Harmony
May 1 2024
17. The Mind Body Synergy: How physical Vitality is a result of the Mind & Body in Harmony
Do you ever feel like you've been working on the same goal in your health forever?? Like you go around the same circle over and over and now you feel like “maybe this is just how its supposed to be”?  I’m sure you feel this way in different areas of life, I know I do. Want to know what changed everything for me??  God told me years ago that I was the one stopping Him from doing what He wanted to do in my life.  Essentially, I was stopping the blessing.  The battlefield is surely in the mind and until we can understand the MindBody connection we won’t see everlasting transformation. Today we’ll discover this powerful synergistic potential of the mind-body connection as the cornerstone of your vitality, energy  and well-being.  You are not just a physical body but you also possess a spirit and a mind which both impact your physical body and how it operates.  When you're looking for sustainable change within your physical body, you naturally look to building yourself physically.  What we miss and can be more challenging to implement is creating new neural networks to support a new way of being which then allows you to achieve your desire. Utilizing this synergy allows you to leverage what God has created within you to be and feel your best.  What's important to make a priority is how we can heal and/or grow in our spirit and mind not just focusing on our physical health habits.  Let’s dive in and begin creating new enhanced results so you can not only age your best but also feel more vitality & peace. 📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share what you love and you’re learning and join the conversation!   Download my FREE 7 Day WHOLE HEALTH TRINITY Checklist below: DOWNLOAD 7 DAY CHECKLIST For one-on-one support email me: I love it when my listeners share on their socials and with others.  Please share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on our socials! Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! To show our gratitude, we’ll be featuring some of your reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!
16. Redeem Your Time: How to go from Busy Days to Fruitful Days
Apr 23 2024
16. Redeem Your Time: How to go from Busy Days to Fruitful Days
In this episode we learn that it's possible to go from buy to fruitful.   The solution to your busyness is not just ordering your calendar or to-do list but its order in your heart.  It's really easy to feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to do what's important, let alone needs to get done.  Maybe you find yourself putting your health on the back burner, or maybe your energy isn't quite where it used to be and where it needs to be to get you through the day. You likely feel like more hours would help or getting rid of some things that you don’t like tending to anyways, right?  Well, Lissa will explain to us how not enough time is actually more of a heart issue than it is a “not enough time” issue. We like to keep things simple around here and that's how we’re going about learning how to have a heart shift so that you can show up and shine your light with renewed energy and confidence knowing how to go about your day leaving “busy” behind.   It’s time to stop wasting time on less precious things and understand that you have all the time you need, today we’re looking at how to steward it well. Grab your FILL YOUR CUP FIRST GUIDE:    📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share what you love and you’re learning and join the conversation! Download my FREE 7 Day WHOLE HEALTH TRINITY Checklist below: DOWNLOAD 7 DAY CHECKLIST For one-on-one support email me: I love it when my listeners share on their socials and with others.  Please share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on our socials! Social Channels: Instagram: Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! To show our gratitude, we’ll be featuring some of your reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!
15. Developing a Wealth Mindset: How Discovering your Money Blocks can Transform your Health
Apr 16 2024
15. Developing a Wealth Mindset: How Discovering your Money Blocks can Transform your Health
Do you want to feel good earning, giving, spending and stewarding money so you can earn more without fear, save and get out of debt faster? Maybe  you want to let go of your poverty and scarcity money mindset with biblical principles? Maybe you’re a faith filled female entrepreneur who wants to increase your income, make a bigger impact and honour God with her finances and lifestyle?  In this episode we dive into how having a kingdom mindset will transform your relationship with money and the amount of it coming into your bank account.  We talk about what god wants for our finances, what stops us from having more and how to build a biblical lens when it comes to money. Raina will show us how to have fun shifting how we see money and also how to pay off large sums of debt and saving.  When you can become a better steward of money, the way you grow your business and manage your finances in your home changes from negative to positive and excited for what you can create with God and for His Kingdom.  Let’s grow out finances while keeping God first.   Follow Raina Here: Listen to Raina Here: Podcast     📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share what you love and you’re learning and join the conversation!   Download my FREE 7 Day WHOLE HEALTH TRINITY Checklist below: DOWNLOAD 7 DAY CHECKLIST For one-on-one support email me: I love it when my listeners share on their socials and with others.  Please share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on our socials! Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! To show our gratitude, we’ll be featuring some of your reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!
14. How to Surrender Control & Grow with Ease & Flow: Ending the Tired Cycle to Find Balance
Apr 8 2024
14. How to Surrender Control & Grow with Ease & Flow: Ending the Tired Cycle to Find Balance
Today we dive into the importance of letting go of control to find greater ease, flow, and balance in both business and life ultimately impacting whole health.  In a world where its so easy to get caught up in the hustle culture, Carlene and I  talk about how finding peace through letting go of the grind is possible.  Carlene shares the importance of "mountain top" meetings, making time for quiet in the middle of a busy day will keep any business owner, mom or professional attached to the "vine" where your fuel comes from. Carlene's journaling prompts will help you to begin conversations with God so that you can hear more clearly what His path is for you.  Often in the busyness of life, slowing down is the hardest thing to do but with these prompts you'll discover a new habit that will begin to help you slow down without stopping your day.  You'll leave feeling encouraged, inspired and feeling a new sense of "I can do this" attitude.   You can find Carlene on IG: @Carleneathanaeas Here you can find her Free Journal Prompts:   Download my FREE 7 Day WHOLE HEALTH TRINITY Checklist below: DOWNLOAD 7 DAY CHECKLIST   For one-on-one support email me: I love it when my listeners share on their socials and with others.  Please share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on our socials! Social Channels: Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! To show our gratitude, we’ll be featuring some of your reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!
13. Beyond Prioritizing Profit over Business: Women Led by Purpose over Profit
Apr 2 2024
13. Beyond Prioritizing Profit over Business: Women Led by Purpose over Profit
In a world often consumed by the pursuit of wealth, it's easy to fall into the trap of “making money” for God in the calling He’s set for you.  It’s vital to prioritize seeking God above material gain in both business and life. Even though God delights in the prosperity of His servant, placing money as the ultimate goal can lead to discontentment, a sense of emptiness, and ultimately leading you away from Gods plan.  Money is not bad in itself but it can never fully satisfy leading us to always feeling like there is never enough.    In todays episode we talk about prioritizing a relationship with God in business and that means conducting ourselves with integrity, compassion, and a focus on serving others. It involves slowing down, ditching hustle to work from rest and trusting in God's provision and timing. Jodeen and I have a great conversation that could have lasted two hours but there are some golden nuggets of inspiration for you to start with.   Connect with Jodeen Here:   📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share what you love and you’re learning and join the conversation!   Download my FREE 7 Day WHOLE HEALTH TRINITY Checklist below: DOWNLOAD 7 DAY CHECKLIST For one-on-one support email me: I love it when my listeners share on their socials and with others.  Please share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on our socials! Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! To show our gratitude, we’ll be featuring some of your reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!
11. A Kingdom Perspective on Health: God’s Divine Design for Health as a Faith Based Business Woman
Mar 18 2024
11. A Kingdom Perspective on Health: God’s Divine Design for Health as a Faith Based Business Woman
Your body was designed to be well.  Your body wants to thrive, not just survive through your days. OK is not good enough for what God wants you to feel inside and live out your calling.  Today we’ll chat about what exactly is the Kingdom perspective on wellness and how you can start living God's Divine design. There is so much confusion in the marketplace on endless diets, meal plans, cleanses, what you should do and shouldn’t do along with conflicting research that it leaves you feeling discouraged to take the next step.  You likely are on a health journey already and you’re wanting to simplify the confusion and use health as a tool to be the best steward for God that you can be.  Feeling well means you can serve well in your calling.   This is why we are having this conversation today.  If you're wanting to elevate your energy, balance hormones, be consistent with eating foods that fuel your body, at the same time enjoy your life without the guilt of messing up your health because of one decision this episode is for you. Let’s dive into 4 easy uncommon steps that will get you and keep you on track so you can shine as a Kingdompreneur. 📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share your thoughts and join the conversation!   DOWNLOAD 7 DAY CHECKLIST For one-on-one support email me: Share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on my socials! Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! As a token of gratitude, I'll be featuring some of the most heartfelt reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!
10. Energy Upgrade the Kingdom Way: How Growing your Faith can Restore your Energy as you Grow your Kingdom Business
Mar 11 2024
10. Energy Upgrade the Kingdom Way: How Growing your Faith can Restore your Energy as you Grow your Kingdom Business
You're a Faith Led Business women and you understand the importance of energy for being productive in all areas of your life not just business.  You often find you want caffeine to get you going in the morning and keep you going mid day.   Let's talk about how growing your faith will restore your energy.  You may have never considered how energy and faith are linked but they are and in this episode I'll show you what you can do today to shift your outcomes.   Consuming physical food is important and the kind of food but your spiritual food as the Word says is even more important.  Today let's look at how to nourish your spirit and soul to nourish your physical body and discover more natural energy without the use of caffeine.   📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share your thoughts and join the conversation!   DOWNLOAD 7 DAY CHECKLIST For one-on-one support email me: Share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on my socials! Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! To show my gratitude, I'll be featuring some of the most heartfelt reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!
09. PART 3: Building a Foundation for a Strong Spirit, Soul & Body: Stewarding your Body Well
Mar 6 2024
09. PART 3: Building a Foundation for a Strong Spirit, Soul & Body: Stewarding your Body Well
Are you a Kingdompreneur or maybe a busy women who wants to take care of her body better than you already are?  You're the woman that wants to love salads, right?! You may enjoy coffee but you don't want to reply on it!! Maybe you feel like you've dropped the ball with your nutrition and health practices making consistency non-existent in this area.   At the same time,  you know that stewarding your body well will help you show up bigger in your life and business. After all, to feel well means you can serve well!! Today we discuss how prioritizing our health with my Core 4, not only fuels your energy and mind but also your ability to thrive (not just survive) as kingdom-minded entrepreneur with all-day energy. Tune in and learn how to steward your body the Kingdom way as you impact the world for His Glory.    📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share your thoughts and join the conversation!   DOWN LOAD 7 DAY CHECKLIST For one-on-one support email me: Share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on my socials!   Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! To say Thank-You, I'll be featuring some of my best reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!
07. PART 1: Building a Foundation for a Strong Spirit, Soul & Body: Your Spiritual Health Directly Impacts your Physical Health
Feb 19 2024
07. PART 1: Building a Foundation for a Strong Spirit, Soul & Body: Your Spiritual Health Directly Impacts your Physical Health
Today in episode 7, part 1 of 3 where we dive into the essence of spiritual health being the most important facet of our Whole Health Trinity.  We'll talk about our identity in Christ and how it impacts every facet of our being. When we live from the truth WHO we are and WHO's we are, it resonates through everything we do.  When we align ourselves with God's truth over the lie's or stories we tell ourselves, this awareness transforms our mindset and reshapes our perspectives, empowering us to live authentically and intentionally.   Today's episode will help you to make sure your foundation is solid like a house built on a rock.   📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share your thoughts and join the conversation! For personal coaching support email me:   Share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on my socials! Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shout-out to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! As a token of gratitude, I'll be featuring some of the most heartfelt reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!
06. Combating Stress through Functional Nutrition: Healing your Body, Mind & Spirit
Feb 12 2024
06. Combating Stress through Functional Nutrition: Healing your Body, Mind & Spirit
Welcome to the episode where we dive into the transformative power of functional nutrition in combating stress so your body can find balance to thrive. In a world where stress seems omnipresent, understanding how our nutrition and our choices impact our spirit, soul and body is paramount. We'll explore the relationship between blood sugar balance and our body handling stress, uncovering how stable blood sugar levels can serve as a cornerstone for resilience against stressors. By adopting a functional nutrition approach you will be better able to handle day-to-day stressors. Central to our discussions are the remarkable benefits of functional mushrooms in stress reduction and finding homeostasis. These potent fungi have long been revered in traditional medicine for their adaptogenic properties, helping the body adapt to stressors more effectively. From Reishi to Lion's mane, we uncover the diverse array of functional mushrooms and their unique contributions to Wholistic well-being. Together, let's navigate the intersection of nutrition, stress, and wellness, paving the way for a healthier, more vibrant life as a Kingdompreneur letting go of the grind to adopt more peace and ease in our body day-to-day.   📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share your thoughts and join the conversation!   For one-on-one support email me:   Share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on my socials! Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shout out to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! As a token of gratitude, I'll be featuring some of the most heartfelt reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!
05. How Magnesium & Mushrooms can DE-STRESS YOUR LIFE Reduce Fatigue, Calm your Mind & Elevate your Energy
Feb 6 2024
05. How Magnesium & Mushrooms can DE-STRESS YOUR LIFE Reduce Fatigue, Calm your Mind & Elevate your Energy
Tune in to this episode as we dive into the powerful realms of magnesium and functional mushrooms, uncovering their roles in stress reduction and boosting energy levels. Join me as I share how magnesium, a vital mineral, can help you sleep better, promote relaxation, plays a vital role in regulating the nervous system, and offers a natural antidote to stress and anxiety. We'll also look at the extraordinary benefits of functional mushrooms, renowned for their adaptogenic properties supporting the physical, mental and emotional body while enhancing the resilience to stress and overall vitality. Reishi mushroom is what we look at in this episode because of it being known for calming the nervous system, and has a profound impact on immune function.  From stress reduction to increased energy levels, if you're a Kingdompreneur looking for easy, natural, non-synthetic ways to steward your body well, these natural remedies will have your physical and soul supported without side effects.     Dive into this episode as we explore the importance of magnesium and functional mushrooms for combating stress and boosting energy. Discover why we need magnesium and how this mineral can help you sleep better, promote relaxation, while functional mushrooms offer adaptogenic benefits as they support us physically, mentally and emotionally while enhancing resilience and vitality. From stress reduction to increased energy levels, unlock the trans formative power of these natural remedies for showing up better in life and business.   📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share your thoughts and join the conversation! Share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on my socials! Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! As a token of gratitude, I'll be featuring some of the most heartfelt reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!
04. Finding Peace to Ditch the Hustle: How I went from Hustling to Peace | My journey, Life without the Hustle, Feel Brand New
Jan 22 2024
04. Finding Peace to Ditch the Hustle: How I went from Hustling to Peace | My journey, Life without the Hustle, Feel Brand New
Its storytime!! Episode 4 takes us way back to the 90's ya'll.  I'm going to share with you how Health Healing & Holiness came to be but it means we need to go back to the beginning.  If you are a Kingdompreneur and have experienced some striving, you started your business so you could exit the "rat race" but you are finding that you're still grinding and controlling what isn't happening in the timing you desire. Sister, I know exactly what that's like.  I can say that I'm no longer in the throws of it but I am certainly can relate and I'm hoping my story can help you in some way because.....our mess is our message! So get ready to know that you're not alone and there are many sisters who've gone through or are going through the same thing.  You can have peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding as you grow your business while not sacrificing your WHOLE health.  its all about stewarding well. Been there & here to equip you to move through it also. XO Kristen   📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share your thoughts and join the conversation! Share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on my socials! Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! As a token of gratitude, I'll be featuring some of the most heartfelt reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air! Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: IAB7HNFSCH0IOPDX
03. The Kingdom Wellness Journey: 4 Steps to Prioritize Whole Health over Hustle | Stewardship, Mind Renewal and Healthy Living Hacks
Jan 22 2024
03. The Kingdom Wellness Journey: 4 Steps to Prioritize Whole Health over Hustle | Stewardship, Mind Renewal and Healthy Living Hacks
Hey Sis!!  In this episode today you'll take away actionable steps embracing spirit, soul and body as you work on ditching the hustle of everyday life and biz.   If you're in the hustle of building a businesstry but know that your health is taking a backseat, or maybe you need to take a step back to look at whats most important as you grow a legacy then you'll want to take 15 min to listen so you can hear how easy it can be to step into more grace, ease and flow! Lean in, take notes and begin implementing these strategies so that you can begin to thrive in God's calling for your health and business. My prayer is this will bless you! -Kristen   📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share your thoughts and join the conversation! Share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on my socials! Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! As a token of gratitude, I'll be featuring some of the most heartfelt reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!   Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: IAB7HNFSCH0IOPDX
02. Healing Solutions from Heaven: The 3 Keys to Lasting Health Results
Jan 22 2024
02. Healing Solutions from Heaven: The 3 Keys to Lasting Health Results
Hey Friend! Are you a KingdomPreneur who wants to steward your health well as you grow a businesstry for God's Kingdom?  Are you feeling stuck in your wellness and finding that the every day hustle is dragging you down?  You want to feel good as you age but you don't want it to take over your life.  I bet you'd like a solution to gaining your energy and time back so that you can find more balance in your life? Join me in this first episode where I'll share the 3 keys that I've discovered that will transform your spirit, soul and body without striving, grinding or hustle.  You can grow your business and life from a place of stillness and rest and I'm here to show you how to do just that! Hope you Enjoy!! -Kristen   📷Follow me here for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive sneak peeks.  I love hearing from my listeners, so don't be shy – share your thoughts and join the conversation! Share your review screenshots and tag us for a chance to be featured on my socials! Social Channels:   Instagram:   Facebook:   🌟 Why Your Review Matters: Your feedback helps my passion for creating content that resonates with you. Whether it's a shoutout to your favorite episode or a suggestion for improvement, every review helps me on this podcasting journey. 🚀 How to Leave a Review: 📱 On Apple Podcasts: Simply scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section, tap on "Write a Review," and share your thoughts.💻 On Spotify or other platforms: Visit our podcast page, find the review section, and let us know what you think. 📱 How to Stay Tuned: 🎧 Subscribe & Download: Hit that subscribe button to receive the latest episodes directly to your device. Plus, don't forget to download your favorite episodes for offline listening – perfect for your daily commute or when you're on the move or making dinner!📲 On Your Preferred Platform: Find us on your local podcast app and hit the follow button. It's the easiest way to stay connected and never miss a moment. 🎉 Thank You for Your Support! As a token of gratitude, I'll be featuring some of the most heartfelt reviews in upcoming episodes. Don't miss the chance to be celebrated on air!   Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: IAB7HNFSCH0IOPDX