18. Breaking the Chronic Stress Cycle: How to Fuel Long-Term Health and Vitality

Health, Healing & Holiness

May 14 2024 • 24 mins

In our fast-paced world, stress has become an all too common companion. What if managing stress isn't just about finding fleeting moments of calm, but about unlocking the key to true vitality? Today we dive into how stress impacts the body, how it shows up in some uncommon ways that most don’t realize because today stress is hidden in some not so obvious places.

We’ll talk today about how you can spot stress and become resistant to stress with simple habits to incorporate into your day.  You’ll understand how not living out your calling, allowing fear, doubt and worry to be forefront in your mind creates change in your physical cellular make up.

Your body was designed to heal and its time to look at what you can do to turn on stress resilience, end the chronic stress cycle and fuel long-term stress.  The cycles we live in that have become normal and what our body knows as safe need to be broken and create a new way.  If you’re ready to feel amazing, gain untapped energy, and truly experience what vitality feels like, you want to stick around because this is a gem.

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