13. Beyond Prioritizing Profit over Business: Women Led by Purpose over Profit

Health, Healing & Holiness

Apr 2 2024 • 31 mins

In a world often consumed by the pursuit of wealth, it's easy to fall into the trap of “making money” for God in the calling He’s set for you.  It’s vital to prioritize seeking God above material gain in both business and life. Even though God delights in the prosperity of His servant, placing money as the ultimate goal can lead to discontentment, a sense of emptiness, and ultimately leading you away from Gods plan.  Money is not bad in itself but it can never fully satisfy leading us to always feeling like there is never enough.

In todays episode we talk about prioritizing a relationship with God in business and that means conducting ourselves with integrity, compassion, and a focus on serving others. It involves slowing down, ditching hustle to work from rest and trusting in God's provision and timing. Jodeen and I have a great conversation that could have lasted two hours but there are some golden nuggets of inspiration for you to start with.

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