174 - How To Get Out Of A Funk!

It Starts With Heart

Dec 1 2023 • 11 mins

Feeling stuck? Unmotivated? This one's for you 👇🏽

At some point or another we’ve all found ourselves at a place in our lives where we’ve felt worn out, bored, stagnant or just plain blah.

You might feel like you’re just going through the motions of life, doing the same things over and over again.

Sometimes we’re too harsh or impatient with ourselves when we’re feeling sad or down, but if a friend came to us going through something similar, we’d show them kindness and understanding. So show yourself some compassion and take time to reflect and TALK about it! My Inbox is always open!!

Screenshot this episode and tag/share with Rebecca when you are listening. We would love to know your thoughts 🖤

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Grab The Ultimate Belief Bible for free here: https://coaching.rebeccasonuga.com/belief-bible

Lots of love!
Rebecca xx