It Starts With Heart

Rebecca Sonuga

It Starts With Heart is a relatable straight talking podcast, brought to you by Mindset Mastery Online Founder Rebecca Sonuga.

Rebecca is on a mission to empower women to be the best version of themselves, for them to know their worth and to have the self-belief that they can be and do whatever they wish.

Anytime you feel inspired, share this with your friends and tag @rebeccasonuga on social media!

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194 - All Out Messy Action
May 21 2024
194 - All Out Messy Action
Ever felt the prickling heat of fear when stepping out of your comfort zone? That's the crucible of growth I've faced while launching into the world of social media for my online business—something I'm eager to share with you. Wrestling with the silence of 'tumbleweeds' on new accounts and the internal battle of posting consistently, I've come to realise the strength in vulnerability and the power of messy action. From the home office, where parenting and business tasks collide, I recount the sometimes chaotic, always authentic journey of building a presence online and the courage it takes to learn in the public eye.Navigating through the thicket of doubts and fears is no small feat, especially when the path involves baring your soul and work to an online audience. The push to make public commitments as a form of accountability has been a game-changer for me, spurring action over stagnation. It's a dance of discipline and resolve, where I've learned that each step taken is a ripple that can inspire others. And through the trials of illness or the unpredictability of family life, I continue to honour my promise of consistency—a testament to the resilience we all possess.In the spirit of continuous improvement, I delve into my 'path to freedom reflection strategy' and how it anchors my weeks—setting intentions, reflecting on progress, and adapting where necessary. It's about fine-tuning life's practices, be it communication, exercise or mindset, in a cycle of reflection and enhancement. My hope is that by sharing this journey, you'll be inspired to take your own imperfect steps towards success and happiness. Join me on this real-life adventure where we embrace the beautiful mess of growth, both personal and professional. Grab The Ultimate Belief Bible for free here: of love!Rebecca xx
191 - Transforming Lives: Clayton's Journey from Skinny Teen to Fitness Guru and Our Deep Dive into Personalised Wellness and Resilience
May 2 2024
191 - Transforming Lives: Clayton's Journey from Skinny Teen to Fitness Guru and Our Deep Dive into Personalised Wellness and Resilience
Have you ever witnessed a transformation that completely upends your perception of what’s possible? My fitness and nutrition coach, Clayton, joins me, to share his incredible journey from being a bullied teen to a leading figure in the fitness industry. His story isn't just about physical change; it's a testament to the power of resilience and finding your calling amidst life's toughest challenges. Clayton's experiences and the bond we've built emphasize the profound impact that personal growth and wellness can have on every aspect of our lives.Picture yourself in a relationship where every hurdle is a stepping stone to a better you; that's what Clayton and I dissect as we talk about personalised coaching relationships. From the meticulous screening process that ensures a compatible match between client and trainer to the candid conversations that set the stage for remarkable transformations, we've covered it all. We also delve into the nuances of motivation psychology, and Clayton provides invaluable insights on making dietary changes without casting a shadow of guilt on your food choices. This episode is crammed with stories of perseverance and the tailored strategies that lead to true lifestyle changes.As we wrap up, I pull back the curtain on my own health habits, from the simplicity of drinking tap water to navigating grocery shopping and the occasional splurge on life's delights. Add to that a candid look at the double-edged sword of social media—where positivity can flourish amidst the drama—and you have an episode that's as enlightening as it is empowering. Join us for this heart-to-heart conversation that promises to leave you inspired and equipped to pursue a healthier, happier life.Follow Clayton on Instagram: Check out Clayton’s podcast: Grab The Ultimate Belief Bible for free here: of love!Rebecca xx
190 - Embracing the Slight Edge: Leading by Example and the Impact of Consistent Actions
Apr 26 2024
190 - Embracing the Slight Edge: Leading by Example and the Impact of Consistent Actions
Just when you think you've got everything under control, life throws a curveball—like having to re-record an entire podcast episode thanks to a technical glitch. But it's in these moments of frustration where the true test of perseverance shines through. I, Rebecca Sonuga, host of Starts With Heart, encountered just such a moment, and it became the perfect catalyst to discuss the importance of sticking to our core actions even as leaders in our fields. My recent heart-to-heart with a fellow travel business leader revealed that both of us had strayed from the very practices that got us here. It’s a candid reminder that to inspire our teams, we must recommit to the basics—more live sessions, daily social media engagement—and lead by example.The power of simple, consistent actions can't be overstated. Our conversation today circles around the transformative nature of the 'Slight Edge' philosophy: how even the smallest steps forward can prevent backsliding into old habits. The development and maintenance of a morning routine exemplify how foundational habits can exponentially build towards significant achievements. By returning to these basics, I've personally witnessed a resurgence in productivity and a boost in team morale, proving that sometimes the simplest changes have the most profound effects.In every challenge lies an opportunity to rewrite your story, and that's precisely what we explore in this episode. I share the compelling journeys of individuals who embraced their circumstances, no matter how daunting, and marched towards their long-term vision with unwavering commitment. Their stories are a testament to the idea that success isn't about immediate gratification but about consistent effort and unshakeable resolve. So, as we wrap up, I invite you to reflect on your commitment to your ambitions and consider the weight of personal accountability in shaping your path to victory. Let's face those challenges head-on and hold ourselves to the promise of our own potential. Grab The Ultimate Belief Bible for free here: of love!Rebecca xx